
The Sneeze
For all of you who live to eat (as I do) this blog is a must read. www.thesneeze.com There is a large section called Steve don't eat it. Feaking hilarious, I'm talking laugh-out-loud-in-the-middle-of-crim-law-discussing-a-drunk-man-raping-a-65-year-old-wheelchair-bound-woman. Yes one of my finer moments folks. The post that I was reading at the time was when Steve decided to eat Beggin' Strips because he figured that a vomit eating dog was not the right test for whether they actually taste like bacon or not. He samples a large aray of foods with several rancid aspects. Case in point the making of prison wine with moldy bread or the pest destroyed can of corn that appeared as a black sludge that probably came straight out of the Devil's ass. Bottom line, check it out just make sure that you have a garbage can (or assorted bucket), a strong stomach hence the bucket, and the ability to laugh out loud at appropraite moments.

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