
Update on Soap Opera
So CC, C, and E and i (4sisters) met the other night to discuss CC's predicament. We basically came up with the same idea's that I discussed in this blog. Adding to the soap opera though is LC's own crisis. Before I met the sisters that night I was heading to the library to work on my crim law paper. I got there at 7:30. Would you actually believe that the library was closed!! The whole campus was locked up tighter than the freaking Pentagon. So I decided that going home would be a bad idea cuz my dad figured I was at the library and it was easier to kill time out than listening to Pops lecture.
As I walk in I find W, who I had recieved a 3 am drunk dial from a couple nights ago. Chat with W then wind my way through the pub and find LC and R playing pool. We shoot some pool and then another customer wants to play R. So LC and I shoot the shit for a bit, including discussing CC's problem and how I am going to meet them. LC invites me over for a beer (oh how me and beer have such a love hate relationship). She then explains in a very round about way that she is having extreme issues at work. But won't tell me anything about it, only the effect it is having on her. CC calls saying that she got off work early and to come meet her. I say my goodbyes, hug LC and tell her to call me if she needs anything. She asks why I am leaving and if I can stay to help her. K, 2 issues, firstly how the hell can I help her if she won't tell me anything and secondly I just explained the whole CC situation to her. Rather obvious that I would not ditch my sister tonight. Which of course later pissed CC off that I had been at the pub with LC earlier. CC and H seem to have this in common. Oh and while talking about H, her and her bf move in together this month, she is not talking to LC (no one knows why) so it looks as though she is going to bail yet again. Cool empty apartment here I come!


Today's Life, Trials and Tribulations Soap Opera
So 2 weeks ago one of my sisters broke up with her long term bf. They broke up cuz she was hooking up with her ex bf who just happened to be other bf's exbestfriend. They both also happen to have the same name and another really good friend (S). The now current previoulsly exbf lives with S. The x lives about 4 hours away (part of the downfall of their relationship). S decided on Sunday (excatly 2 weeks after the break up) to call x and tell him that my sis and current bf spent the weekend together. Just to stir the shit you know. Well he really stirred the shit. No he fucking purreed the shit (sorry late night insomnia cured by food network analogy there). Sunday night my sis, another sis and I went for a late walk (side note; it was freaking hot that day, we had to go late) when the x calls. She says that she is just out and will call him when she gets home. 15 minutes later we get back to her place and CH and I leave. C calls x back. He proceed to scream at her for over 2 hours about what a slut she is etc. I do not agree with what she did but no one fucking calls my sister and screams that she is a slut for 2 hours. Hells no! After hanging up with C, the next morning the x calls the now current bf. He tells him what to do with C (he actually gave him a list of requirements) and NCBF said that he couldn't (and wouldn't) guarantee anything to XBF. XBF then told him that he wasn't responsible for his actions after that point. Alright then. So naturally C is upset, we were all meeting at my place for girls night and NCBF knew this and didn't tell C immediatly so as not to upset her. Good! Of course E and I had to sit down with CH and rationally explain his behaviour because she was right pissed that he didn't tell C right away.
Fast foreward to early this morning about 1 am. C gets a text from XBF making a comment about her name appearing in a suicide note. What the fuck?!?!?!? C doesn't hear the phone and gets the message about 6:30 am. So she panics and calls him ASAP. He doesn't pick up but txts her again asking what she wants. Now he told her on Sunday that he never wants to see her again. He tells her that he is coming down this weekend and staying with S. Thank God C, NCBF, all sisters among others are going camping for most of the weekend. So C calls me in tears while I am sitting here in crim law and explains the whole thing to me and asks what she should do. OMG I don't know. I have never (and I really don't want to be) been in that situation. I am only to thankful that I am a very minor side character in this whole little drama. Updates to follow.
Check This Out
Aight yo! So check this out. www.paulsadowski.com. Try the birthday calculator and what your name says about you. This guy is freakily accurate. I'm talking goosebumps while reading it kind of accurate.


Highland Games
So Saturday was my 1st Highland games ever. Freaking awesome!!! Had a blast! The negative side (why do I always have to start with the negatives? Oh well that's just me) is that my addiction to Irn Bru has resurfaced. For any who haven't tried it Irn Bru is a Scottish soft drink that is nearly impossible to find in regular stores. So boy was I ever impressed when I saw a huge ass display of Irn Bru at one of the booths. I bought one then called on of my sisters (she works at one of the only stores that sells the stuff in the city) and got her to pick me up a 12 pack. The other negative was the sunstroke and the horrendous burn on my neck that came with it. By the time I got home (just after 11) I collapsed on the bed and didn' t move until 9:30 this morning (rolling over to turn of the alarm counts dammit!!!).
They have everything at these games. There is an outdoor market that reminded me of the Faida's in Portugal, pipe and drumming competitions (R and J I never dreamed that I would actually enjoy that Scottish stuff that my Grandma kept heaping on me as a child, you guys are awesome), highland dancers, heavy weights (caber tossing :), dog shows, vintage cars and so so much more. Including beer tents. We all know what that means. I had to drive so I'm not talking L&A drunk or NDC drunk but you get my drift.
Hot sunny day. Big drunk Scotsmen. Nowhere to sit. Feet are so swollen think my shoes are going to break. Can't get my new ring (it's beautiful, sterling silver Celtic knots with a black stone in the middle) off my finger. Need food. Need Advil. In that order or I will be praying to porcelain Gods ASAP. Beer tent closes (ok we got kicked out). Go to pub. Hour wait for food. T gonna pass out. LC wasted. R not sure what to do with either one of us. Get me food. Food comes. Struggle to eat one little corner of my sandwhich. So far beyond hungry that anything going down was difficult to keep it from coming up. Could barely drive home. Had to call CC and make her ask me questions all the way home. Talked to Pops, fell into bed. Aah sleep. And I will do this all over again in 2 weeks only this time R is driving so I don't have to worry about a thing. Cept R is taking me and xbf but it's all good cuz he's picking me up at 8am. I will sleep through the whole 3 or 4 hour drive. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Overheard in New York
Normally I don't really link anything to my posts but I have to tell you about ONY. Freaking hilarious. Random people from NYC contribute things that they have overheard and some are so clueless. Some are so damn typical that you can hear the accents coming through, think Spic from the Bronx etc. Anyways just check it out. http://www.overheardinnewyork.com


Back to the Dr I Go
So I finished my antibiotics yesterday. My ear is still fucked up though. So this morning I got up early and headed up to the clinic before class. This Dr was even worse than the last. He said the infection has pretty well cleared up so I don't need more antibiotics. Ok that's great then why the fuck do I still feel like my head is filled with cotton??? I would like to regain my hearing sometime this century!! Not too mention I can't go swimming and am going camping next weekend. So this dr prescribed a nasal spray to "release the pressure behind my ear" thus meaning that at some point a huge rush of clear and pussy fluid will start to ooze out of my ear. Peachy!!! He also gave me a referal to a nose, ear and throat specialist. Even more peachy!!! He said nothing about my eye, hasn't progressed but I really do miss contacts and make up. What can I say, I'm a girl, I am allowed to like pretty things and dolling myself up. Urgh just get it over with already.
Here I figured that being a caucasian female, discrimination had not affected me much. Of course as a teenager I did get some of the age discrimination but nothing major. So today I had to go to the dr this morning (sperate update to come on that). Because it took less time than I figured I was really early for class. So I decided walk around t he quay, get some coffee (of course) and do some window shopping. Many of the sidewalks on the side streets are very narrow. Two women were walking towards me, each with a stroller and one with another child beside the stroller. So I step aside into an alley to let them pass and smile at the boy who walks by me. The woman then gives me this dirty look. Yes I look younger than I am, I was dressed nicely, I am not covered with piercing or tatoos and I was courteous and move aside so that they could pass. The only thing that I can say to explain it is discrimination. Plain and simple. In this case (I know it is a rarity) I did absolutely nothing wrong. I wasn 't even smoking at the time. Christ here I thought we as a society had moved beyond discriminatory stereotypes.


So as many of you surely have noticed, I cuss quite a lot. It was brought to my attention to work the other day. Apparently the woman who works in the garden centre accross the parking lot can hear me on the patio. So I made a deal with myself, any cuss (said out loud or under my breath) uttered equals 1 minute of overtime (unpaid). I generally work 12-6. By 2:00 I had accumulated 23 minutes of ot. Aight so I have some issues. By 5:55 I was so pissed off that the idea of even one minute of overtime was so damn depressing that I said fuck it and left 5 minutes early. Ha. FUCK IT. Oh yeah A I'm just fucking peachy.


So this damn ear infection is still going strong. I still have 1 day of meds left. Don't want to go back to the Dr but dont' really have a choice. My eye isn't really clearing up but on the plus side at least it isn't getting worse. I almost wish it would so that I could put some drops in it and get over it. I am so sick of wearing no make up and glasses. Wearing lip stick doesn't count because it wears off so fast.
On the other hand the infections could be alot worse. Case example; sister CH. CH had her nipple pierced about 11 days ago. Last Thursday it was about 3x the size of her other nipple. So the next night, E and I take her back to the place she had it pierced at. CH had been to the dr Friday morning and was told that it was not infected and to go back to the piercing place. The piercer told her that it swelled too much and the jewellery was too small hence why the nipple was so big. So she takes the smaller bar bell out and squeezed out the puss. At this point E and I each have one of CH's hands (locked in a freaking vice grip) and both avert our eyes to control the vomit reflex. This was truly the most disgusting thing that I have ever seen. Lesson learned here: Never ever put foreign metal objects in your nipple. So all is fine until Sat. CH feels worse and almost feverish. So she spends all day Sunday on the couch. We were supposed to go to the Pub for her bday with R and LC. So I went to the Pub and dragged CH out later that night. By Monday (her actual bday) she was in so much pain that she couldn't move. Dragged herslef to a "Nazi Dr". Her body completely rejected the metal and spread a massive infection to all of her lymph nodes (including the one's in her groin). Holy Freaking Shit!!!! So the Dr took out her piercing and she is miserable on antibiotics. Last night she was slightly better and even went to work today.


Be Lazy
I think that I have finally learned the secret to life. BE LAZY! Oh and also if your day starts with a fight with a 300 pound diabetic in Starbucks just give up on the day and go back to bed. The day really only gets worse from there. Hence the be lazy title of this post.
So I walk into Starbucks at my usual time to see a huge line up. I'm ok with this, I'm used to the line up so I leave my house nice and early. This 300 pound woman in a huge yellow mumu with a walker (she was only like 35 not 80) gets in line behind me. At this point I take a quick look, inwardly shudder and think of how nasty that looks. Her equally large mother walks up to the front where the sandwhiches and cakes are and looks around. Again no problems with this. Until she walks up to the till and starts to order. At this point I have been in line for ten minutes. I haven' t had coffee, a smoke and I am sick. Translation NOT IN A GOOD MOOD. So I have to say something. I very polietly say "Excuse me but there are four other people in line ahead of you." She turns around, looks at me and says "I have been waiting for over a half hour." Me, "I have been waiting for 10 minutes and since I am ahead of you in the line, you have not been waiting for a half hour." Her, "Well I have diabetes and need to eat!". Now I am pissed and thinking ok well because of you I am going to be late for work. The people ahead of me are amused and the girl at the till is nodding and agreeing with me. I counted what she ordered, 8 cakes (slices). 8!!!! And she is freaking diabetic. And she ordered a couple frapacinos. Again I repeat she is diafuckingbetic!!!! Me, "No wonder you are diabetic!!!" This comment has everyone in the line up including the Starbucks workers cracking up.
Work was hell. Including a fight with our LP manager over a first aid course. I had to move our entire mens department. The racks are way too heavy for one person much less someone my size but I did it anyways. At one point our HR manager walked by and said I looked like I was struggling. I told her that I wanted our store manager to walk by so he could see why I was so pissed off yesterday when he told me to do the move. Then I injure myself because one of the racks was broken and I didn't know this. So I have to do the first aid reports. Then my manager decides she is going to help me with the rest. Fine. So I tell her what I want her to do and everything goes as well as it could with 2 irritated, tired, stressed Aries attempting to work together. Before I continue I must clarify. My manager used to work with me in my department. With everything we had to do it was barely managable between the two of us. Since she got promotted in August it has been only me to do all of it. So I am uber stressed and pissed right now. Not to mention that I don't know what hurts more, my hand or the infections in my ears and eyes. She comes up to me and says "Do you do recovery when you start because your purses are a mess. You need to clean them." Let me also mention here that I have a huge clearance sale on so all of my clearance needs to be up front. My kids area has not had markdowns done since before Christmas and that it is a disorganized mess. I was stunned, then livid. I stared at her and said "Did you actually just say that to me?" and walked away before I shot my mouth off any further. She of all people know what it is like to work there. Especially since the two of us could barely do it and now I have to do it on my own. Haven't talked to her since so I am going to go in tomorrow on my day off and discuss it with her.
I also have a crim law midterm tomorrow and I still have 2 chapters to read. Only slightly stresed out. I emailed our HR manager tonight and asked for stress leave. We'll see what happens. I probably won't take it. Although if my manager makes another comment like she did today I will throw up my hands, say "fuck it" and walk right the fuck out the door. So the moral in all of this is that it doesn't pay to work your ass off. Nobody appreciates it. The only people who really get ahead in our store are usually late, stand and talk for half their shift, take extra breaks and leave at 5:59 if they are off at 6. So for the next week I am going to test this theory of laziness. Updates to come.


Yet Another Planning Post
So Monday is one of my sister's birthday. Another sister broke up with her bf over the weekend and is going away this upcoming weekend. I'm sorry why the hell do you go away for your sister's birthday. I am so pissed off. Everything I plan people shoot down but don't give me any input. I'm so tempted to say fuck it. Bday girl called me this morning and I blew up at her. Right after it I appologized and explained the circumstances to her. Then another sister got reemed out by the other sister for trying to plan it. So right now we are all pissed off at each other and no one is planing anything. The only thing we have is L and R meeting me and bday girl on Sun at the pub for dinner to celebrate the bday. Argh I hate dealing with people.
Sick Sick Sick
So as per last Friday's random rant about infections here is what I have learned since. Tuesday morning I woke up and could not open my left eye and was in extreme pain. Washed my face and really concentrated on antibacterial cleaning of my hands, threw out cosmetics and contacts that were used the day before. So I have been wearing my glasses and no make up for the last two days. Decided to go to the clinic again after work on Tuesday. This is what they said. The fluid and viral infection in my right ear is basically cleared (should be 1 or 2 Tylenol induced days). My left ear has a nasty bacterial infection, perscription for that and Tylenol. My eye has a 50-50 chance of developing an infection so I have a perscription for medicated eye drops too.
When I went to fill the perscriptions I realized that my insurance has expired. Fuck. Thank God the pills were cheap. So since it is my Dad's insurance I have to wait for him to deal with his insurance company before I get money back. Apparently the drops are considerably more expensive so I'm praying that I don't wind up with an eye infection too. Probably don't cuz I could open my eye this morning and there was a whole lot less goop. I know that sounds disgusting.


Randomness Yet Again

Aight this is for all of y'all who love the total and complete random rant type lists. Here goes...
  • How would anyone not know that a person selling flat screen tvs on the side of the road and accepts cash only at like half the price of Best Buy, Future Shop etc kind of obviously stolen. Nothing more to say... THEY ARE STOLEN FOOL!!!!
  • Why do people think it looks good to wear capri pants, bermuda shorts, cropped pants etc with boots. Firstly it is freaking summer not winter, ditch the boots. Secondly it is never ok, the only time you should show that much boot is when wearing a skirt... THE ONLY TIME!!
  • Procrastination is never good. Have a crim law midterm next week. Haven't even opened the book, so seriously screwed for this one!
  • Why is the only 24 hour Starbucks in the freaking valley? It is an hour drive, not worth it at the 3 am coffee needs
  • Bacterial infections are actually better than viral infections. Sure bacterial infections are harder on your body, are more painful and have oozy pussy liquid involved (depending on where infection is). See the upside to bacterial infections is that they can be treated, where as all that can be done for a viral is to wait it out. This is coming about because I have a viral infection in one (I think it is spreading to both) of my ears. The Dr told me that all I can do is take a cocktail of Tylenol and decongestants and let the infection run its course. He then told me that if I have a bacterial infection he can treat it.
  • On that note, drugs are very good. Do not miss a dose or you will be in extreme pain for the rest of the day. No matter what you do. Around 3 am I gave in and took a T3 (they make me pass out immediatly). That didn't help since the vertigo portion of the infection was making me so nauseous that I threw the T3 up almost immediatly after taking it. Lesson learned here... never ever forget to take drugs. Drugs are our friends.
  • Do not yell at an HA member because he didn't give his daughter enough money for her upcoming trip to Europe. Yelling at your gf's HA father who already doesn't like you overmuch never ever yields good results
  • Stupid people piss me off. If you can't do your job please do the rest of us a favour and quit! I'm serious. We've tried to help you and you still don't get it after 6 months. Just quit.


Little Angry Blond Girl... Not So Angry Just Really Annoying
Sitting in Crim law once again. LABG so freaking annoying again. Talking about a case where a guy becomes brain dead (legally dead) and doctors remove is organs. Prof then says well he is now dead. No heart, he is dead. She laughs and laughs... the only person laughing at all. Then she comes up with all of these totally random, mostly unrelated 'legal scenarios' that she asks about while the rest of us sit here going just shut the fuck up so that we can get the hell out of here. ARGH! I've decided that I now hate people even more than I did before... it's all because of LABG