
Today's Life, Trials and Tribulations Soap Opera
So 2 weeks ago one of my sisters broke up with her long term bf. They broke up cuz she was hooking up with her ex bf who just happened to be other bf's exbestfriend. They both also happen to have the same name and another really good friend (S). The now current previoulsly exbf lives with S. The x lives about 4 hours away (part of the downfall of their relationship). S decided on Sunday (excatly 2 weeks after the break up) to call x and tell him that my sis and current bf spent the weekend together. Just to stir the shit you know. Well he really stirred the shit. No he fucking purreed the shit (sorry late night insomnia cured by food network analogy there). Sunday night my sis, another sis and I went for a late walk (side note; it was freaking hot that day, we had to go late) when the x calls. She says that she is just out and will call him when she gets home. 15 minutes later we get back to her place and CH and I leave. C calls x back. He proceed to scream at her for over 2 hours about what a slut she is etc. I do not agree with what she did but no one fucking calls my sister and screams that she is a slut for 2 hours. Hells no! After hanging up with C, the next morning the x calls the now current bf. He tells him what to do with C (he actually gave him a list of requirements) and NCBF said that he couldn't (and wouldn't) guarantee anything to XBF. XBF then told him that he wasn't responsible for his actions after that point. Alright then. So naturally C is upset, we were all meeting at my place for girls night and NCBF knew this and didn't tell C immediatly so as not to upset her. Good! Of course E and I had to sit down with CH and rationally explain his behaviour because she was right pissed that he didn't tell C right away.
Fast foreward to early this morning about 1 am. C gets a text from XBF making a comment about her name appearing in a suicide note. What the fuck?!?!?!? C doesn't hear the phone and gets the message about 6:30 am. So she panics and calls him ASAP. He doesn't pick up but txts her again asking what she wants. Now he told her on Sunday that he never wants to see her again. He tells her that he is coming down this weekend and staying with S. Thank God C, NCBF, all sisters among others are going camping for most of the weekend. So C calls me in tears while I am sitting here in crim law and explains the whole thing to me and asks what she should do. OMG I don't know. I have never (and I really don't want to be) been in that situation. I am only to thankful that I am a very minor side character in this whole little drama. Updates to follow.

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