No all of you horny people who are reading this it is not about sex. I repeat, NOT ABOUT SEX!!!! Just gonna be a quick post.
So tomorrow us 4 sisters are having our annual (and usually late) Thanksgiving dinner. This year it is at my house. Due to miscommunications, I fiugred that I had to cook the turkey. Turns out that I didn't but then EZ decided no do it anyway. So we go grocery shopping tonight and end up arguing about it cuz I'm all for buying a pre-stuffed cook from frozen turkey. Nope we get the real one, no biggie. But then everyone starts saying how their gonna come over at like 1:30 2:00ish. People you don't get it. I'm inviting you for dinner (usually a meal in the evening), not all day. Argh it is my one true(ish) day off, just leave me the fuck alone for a couple hours. Jesus. Sorry EZ, I know you are probably reading this right now going what the fuck is your problem. By the time you read this I will have explained it to you anyway.
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