
How do instructors determine the marks that they give their students? Case in point, last week I handed in an assignment to a teacher that I have had several classes with and usually do pretty well in. I also put in a hell of a lot of work in most of her classes. This semester I am totally burned out and just really don't give a shit, so I put in no effort on this assignment. Half of it I did on the couch with my friend's five year old and the other half I did after hip hop the night before it was due while watching the Gilmore Girls. She gave me a B and wrote that I had excellent work on most of the questions. How the fuck is that possible? I didn't even read the fucking book. I know that most people are going to think that I am absolutely insane and should just shut up and take the damn mark and logically all of you who are saying that are absolutely right. Too bad I already called her and left a message for her to call me back.

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