
So this entry is designated as an entire entry of randoms

Random Fact #1
Most people's blogs are rants about work/school. Why does everyone feel the need to do this? I guess the only reason I haven't felt this need is because I haven't been at work since Friday. I'm so freaking bored, holidays suck when you don't have the money to actually go any where.

Random Fact #2
When one has a problem, all have problems. There is just no escaping it. It is like a chain reaction. C has bf troubles, then EZ, then me, now K has bf troubles. Dominos anyone?

Random Fact #3
Newspapers are simply not comparable. I have a subscription to the Province (yes I know it is one step up from a gossip magazine). So Monday I read the Province and then bought a USA Today. Not comparable at all. Keep meaning to see how NYT compares but can just never get up early enough to get a copy before they sell out. Must be pretty good then.

Random Fact #4
Hate, hate, hate exams. Anthro exam tomorrow, been studying all week. Yeah I know horrible way to spend holidays. Why does there need to be an essay that ties together the central themes of the course? I know it is actually about the only decent exam question (this is 3 years of college talking, and yes it is the only q that actually demonstrates that something was actually learned). But seriously in a course where the instructors lectures are the most illogically strung together rants about cultures how the hell is anyone supposed to find a central theme?????

Random Fact #5
I just blogged a random rant about school..... see random fact #1.

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