
Update on "The Talk"
So it has been nearly a week since bf and I had "the talk". I have seen him twice, he has called me many times (see he didn't comprehend "the talk"). I think I scared him cuz the messages he left on Sunday sounded like it. He appologized like every 30 seconds for calling. Christ!!!!!! So we decided to go to a movie tonight. He really wanted to take me to Scary Movie 4... I didn't have the heart to tell him that I had taken the girls on Sunday. So I endured another 83 minutes of SM4. Then he decided to take me for a drive (at least I didn't have to plan it). So he took me to the top of the plateau. I love the view but he kept going on like I had never seen it... so again don't have the heart to tell him that I've seen it umpteen times. So we're sitting in this deserted area talking (we were talking.... see the attraction levels), and I remembered L telling me that if these issues (separate health issues) keep up there is a good chance I am/ will be anemic and that Guinness is a good source of iron. So I say speaking of Guinness I am really craving one (there you go L, I had my Guinness for today). So we head down to the pub where I check on a work project that I am collabing with the bar manager (bm) on, talk to W about going out on Sat cuz she wanted to, then M (you're awesome, M) and I had a chat about the status of bf and I while bf and bm are going off about cars. So I tell M about the Love conversation. At least I am gaining people on my side. Most people thought I was insane when I first told them. The bf and I are talking and he tells me that I am the best thing that has happened to him! Ok slow this ride right fucking down. I told him about my commitment phobic issues and he goes and says something stupid like that!?!?!!! I am vain enough to be flattered but also (ssh don't tell anyone... a dhat convo) insecure enough (and wanting to get out enough) to tell him that I am not and will never be the best thing to happen to him. Then I changed the subject. I was about to tell him about how bitchy I was to previous exs. Being the dumper in the majority of the situations comes in handy at times. Unfortunatly I still haven't dumped him... and M and I have to talk about this further. If only I can get to the pub without bf joining.

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