
How do instructors determine the marks that they give their students? Case in point, last week I handed in an assignment to a teacher that I have had several classes with and usually do pretty well in. I also put in a hell of a lot of work in most of her classes. This semester I am totally burned out and just really don't give a shit, so I put in no effort on this assignment. Half of it I did on the couch with my friend's five year old and the other half I did after hip hop the night before it was due while watching the Gilmore Girls. She gave me a B and wrote that I had excellent work on most of the questions. How the fuck is that possible? I didn't even read the fucking book. I know that most people are going to think that I am absolutely insane and should just shut up and take the damn mark and logically all of you who are saying that are absolutely right. Too bad I already called her and left a message for her to call me back.


All of you... go see Borat! Now! This was an awesome, laugh out loud crapping your pants kind of movie. From start to finish the enitre movie was filled with laughs. Expect the unexpected, lude and crude humour that is done so well that it seems as though he doesn't even realize it. Freaking hilarious, go now, faster than the running of the Jew.


Work Life vs Personal Life
So I met two of my sister's at work many years ago. Since then we have all grown and (well most of us) have matured. Both of them moved on to other jobs that were specifically related to their fields. I stayed and moved up in the company. It is not my field of choice, however it is a deffinite back up option. I know that if I want to move up further I can. So for the last couple of years, all four of us have had completely separate and distinct work lives. Obviously there has been some overlap, but for the most part they are separate. When my sister C left, she had nothing but negative things to say about the company. Well she now claims that her current job is not paying enough so she took on a couple days at my company. As a side note, it is fairly well known that C and I have not been getting along all that well lately either. I saw her there today (we were both working) and I was astounded at the anger that I felt. Because we all have pretty well the same group of friend's, this company was my territory. I found it totally annoying to hear her for the last hour of my shift. I see her often enough as it is, just fucking let me do my job without hearing her damn voice too!!!!!