
So I know a girl who I have just learned is crazy jealous of me and therefore really can't stand me. I'm sorry but this really really pissed me off. I believe I may have mentioned small tidbits of this scenario in previous posts. She thinks that I am closer to her mom than she is. Hello you are her freaking daughter fool! Granted you bail on her last minute all the time. Basically she bails and I get the call and show up which then pisses her off again and she attempts to make every one miserable. And this girl is an office manager, she is under 20, has no office experience much less managerial experience! Her previous jobs since I have known her have been warehouse (she sorted and boxed screws... this was themost current prior to the office manager); a concession stand at the beach; and a painting company. Tell me how someone becomes and office manager? Oh and did I mention that she started this job in March and that she has called in sick and been late several times all ready. Basically I think that we should never have any contact. Unfortunatly she is a part of one of those circles that I mention in the post Circles so I really don't have a choice but to have contact with her. I will just minimize it as much as possible.


This post is based on a Starbucks card (kind of), well more like inspired by a Starbucks card. As a coffee addict I am at Starbucks on a daily basis. The Way I See It on their cups rarely change, so like the true dork and addict that I am I get excited when I see a new one. Today's cup is about how teachers become mentors for people. Ok, understandable. I have had those mentors too. I also firmly believe that everyone has one of these mentors within their job. I have one as well. Mentor used to work close to me and is now my boss.
So because we used to work together and still do, we have also become really good friends. Like I was supposed to house sit for her when she goes away, we go to the pub, I can crash at her house if I need to, etc. Even to the point where she is giving me next weekend on so that I can go away with her and her hubby. We work well together and have a blast. Enter another beast this one known as Jealousy. Now there is jealousy on both sides of the equation. My Mom and one of my sisters are jealous. I think that my sister has issues whenever any one of us (being the four sisters) gets close to an older person that has nothing to do with her. It's weird. My Mom, I think has the same problem that her daughter has. The two of them have issues. They both seem to think that it is like they are being replaced. Her daughter is 19 and irresponsible and unreliable. Hence why her and her hubby asked me to stay with the cat. But no, daughter through a jealous fit and 'expressed interest' in staying with the cat as soon as she found out that I was supposed to do it. Her and hubby were slightly uncomfortable with explaining this to me, but were honest about the whole thing. So basically I am supposed to be the back up. If daughter bails last minute I take it. I agreed simply because I don't want to deal with the incredible rath of daughter (been on that receiving end one time... Urgh never again). Between that and all the shit that happened between my bro and family this weekend, I hate people and just want to disappear for a couple weeks.


The Sneeze
For all of you who live to eat (as I do) this blog is a must read. www.thesneeze.com There is a large section called Steve don't eat it. Feaking hilarious, I'm talking laugh-out-loud-in-the-middle-of-crim-law-discussing-a-drunk-man-raping-a-65-year-old-wheelchair-bound-woman. Yes one of my finer moments folks. The post that I was reading at the time was when Steve decided to eat Beggin' Strips because he figured that a vomit eating dog was not the right test for whether they actually taste like bacon or not. He samples a large aray of foods with several rancid aspects. Case in point the making of prison wine with moldy bread or the pest destroyed can of corn that appeared as a black sludge that probably came straight out of the Devil's ass. Bottom line, check it out just make sure that you have a garbage can (or assorted bucket), a strong stomach hence the bucket, and the ability to laugh out loud at appropraite moments.
The Sneeze
For all of you who live to eat (as I do) this blog is a must read. www.thesneeze.com There is a large section called Steve don't eat it. Feaking hilarious, I'm talking laugh-out-loud-in-the-middle-of-crim-law-discussing-a-drunk-man-raping-a-65-year-old-wheelchair-bound-woman. Yes one of my finer moments folks. The post that I was reading at the time was when Steve decided to eat Beggin' Strips because he figured that a vomit eating dog was not the right test for whether they actually taste like bacon or not. He samples a large aray of foods with several rancid aspects. Case in point the making of prison wine with moldy bread or the pest destroyed can of corn that appeared as a black sludge that probably came straight out of the Devil's ass. Bottom line, check it out just make sure that you have a garbage can (or assorted bucket), a strong stomach hence the bucket, and the ability to laugh out loud at appropraite moments.


American Idol or American Idiots
Ok, just finished watching the American Idol finale. Can someone please explain to me how the hell Taylor Hicks won?!?!? I mean the guy cannot sing. Half the guys at my local pub sing better than he does. Adam Sandler in the Wedding Singer (awesome movie by the way) sang better than he does. Where were the McPheever fans? Why would people vote for a guy who can't sing over a girl who can beautifully belt out just about any song sent her way? Someone who voted for Taylor please contact me. I would like to have a decent arguement/ reasoning for voting Taylor.
Another thing, Seacrest mentioned that the votes for Kat and Taylor totalled more than any American President. What the fuck is the matter with a country who can vote for a damn pop tart but not for a freaking president. That must be how Bush got re-elected. I suppose that I should get off my lazy bitching ass and go rent American Dreamz (yes I know it is not on DVD yet). Hopefully that explains what the hell is going on tonight.
Kat is the real American Idol... T out
Last Bf Update
So I finally did it. Break up with bf that is. Last night at Starbucks... very dramatic scene with me in complete control and him looking like he was going to cry. The classic question then was asked of me. "What did I do wrong?" Oh hell how am I supposed to answer this? I know that this is not a clean break, that I will see him on occasion so I tried my best to be nice (there's a new one). So instead of telling him that he overloaded on the emotional side and no where near enough physical I simply told him that opposites attract and that sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn't and that this was a case of it not working. I then proceeded to tell him that he deserved "someone better than me". Not trying to get down on myself (I'm fucking awesome if you dig the no strings attached, lets just fuck and have a good time, no committments). Ex bf just was not like that. He likes the emotionally attached total sweetheart. Not me so it didn't work. I told him as we were leaving to go and find himself a sweetheart and that I would see him at the games next month.
After leaving Starbucks, I called up E cuz we were supposed to go out that night. In the meantime, B and I had gone for breakfast that morning and he knew my plans for the night. So I text B saying "I am now a single woman again!" To which he responded, "Thats awesome well if u ever need to release some sexual tension i can help." Well hello B. Had you said this 5 years ago when I was completely infatuated with you and spent every waking moment with you that would have been fucking awesome. Now I'm not so sure. E said that I should just go for it cuz B and I have known each other forever. Well ok for 6 years but that is still forever right now. I don't know what I will do, I have to see B at a friends bday on Fri so I'll see how it goes.


Update on bf
So on the phone with bf again. He just got back from being away all weekend. Good news for me :) Ha. So I decided with this lovely weekend semi-alone that I am finally going to take my own advice and break up with bf. Gonna do it tomorrow night cuz I don't have the balls. Just not working... there needs to be something more there than irritation. Lol thank god this is annoynmous.

Sorry for lack of posting this week. Smashed my finger and spent an hour and half at the clinic and another hour doing 1st aid reports at work. Left index finger so typing was not an option.

Blah blah blah. Bf is going on about his fishing weekend. Oh yeah Big City Girl Me would looove it up there. Yeah ok. That's laughable. OMG he is talking about taking me up again. *Shudders* Can't bear the thought. Alright going to do it tomorrow. Have to do it tomorrow.


Another Night of Beer Before Crim Law
So yesterday was another night of beer. I know I said that I would never touch the shit again but meh we all say that right. Last night after having dinner with L and her kids, going home to my bro and his buddies and realizing that my parents finally found out that my bro smokes too, watching the Will and Grace finally (better than expected after the past couple seasons), going for a late pizza stop with my sister and one of her bfs I decide that I need a beer and to swing by my ususal pub. So I walk in and see M, its been so long, have a quick chat and head down to the end of the bar. BM brings me a beer and a clean ashtray and we have a quick random chat. At this point S walks in, so Chinese G is in the corner, then white guy B, then brown S, then me. After me there is a couple empty seats and then a bunch more regulars. At this point everyone knows everyone except me who is the outsider right now. The outsider did not last long. Before long G,B, and S were asking my name and telling me that they see me in there quite a bit and blah blah blah. G made fun of Chinese people all night, G got in a fight with a Spic regular who was wasted and playing pool, and B kind of sat calm and cool with his beer throughout the whole thing. I sat with my beer and smokes thinking of how I could spin the 20 min that I spent with these guys into a blog entry. So this is it, not quite as entertaining as I found it last night.


Hangovers, Meetings and Crim Law
So here I sit, once again, in crim law. Hangover and exhausted re people (LABG) pissing me off more than usual. I am so ready to just crash. We had a big barbeque at work yesterday after closing. Free beer, free food, good times. Drove to work (didn't get up early enough to catch the train). Had two meetings in a row right from the start (forgot about the 1st one, 2nd one was unknown until part way through the 1st). Fast foreward to bbq. Had 2 beers, was a little buzzed (so tolerance that was slowly built has started to decrease yet again). Decided I liked the buzz and wanted to continue. So I call my sisters to see if anyone can meet me and drive my car home. 2 of them showed up (used to work there so drank too). I got wasted, ended up hitting a pub and then a managers appartment.
Had a meeting downtown at 9am. So 6:30, my hungover (possibly still slightly drunk) ass struggles out of bed and into the shower. Due to the fact that the meeting was downtown my 5 minute commute became 45 minutes and running late. So S said she would drive me (she works in the same area) and I would meet her at my store. Talked to my fave receiver around 7:50, I am already infamous for last nights events. He didn't make it last night, so he asked his coworkers how the party went. Everyone who he talked to mentioned my name. Finally make it to the meeting (had to hike my drunk ass up about 8 city blocks) late, bored. An old manager (used to be at our store) and I chilled together, both of us being tired and still hungover.
From the meeting I had to take the train to my store to get my car and come to crim law. I am currently there, bored, tired, hungover, and now starving cuz I haven't eaten since the bbq last night. Now prof is yaking about motorcycle gangs and criminal offences. At least I don't have to babysit after this. Was supposed to, love the kids but just can't deal right now.


I have one brother, no sisters (well biological). E, CC, C and I are the 4 sisters. So the 4 of us always try to get together at least once a week. Tonight was that night. We headed out to the beach for coffee and to chill (had some shit to work through). Long talks about life and bfs ensued. CC started crying saying that no matter who we are with when all of us look ahead 10... years we see everyone together but with kids and stuff. As CC said we are sisters for life... none of us have sisters, we have each other, we are sisters. That's pretty sweet.


Mother's Day Brunches
So as most of you know (and actually all of you should know) today is mother's day. The once yearly ritual of honouring mom with cards, flowers, chcocolate and other assorted gifts. I hate mother's day. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but mother's day is the most commercialized (other than Valentines Day and Christmas) excuse to increase prices on everything. I mean everything. It cost me $7.00 to buy a freaking card this year! $7.00. As the title implies we all got dressed up and went for brunch at a swanky country club.
So $35 a plate later 10 of us including my grandmother right down to the 2 year old cousin are waiting *patiently* at 2:00 in the crowd of people in the lobby. What the fuck is the point to a reservation if we don't get taken in until 45 minutes past the reservation. The way I do things I would have been leaving by that point if we had been seated at the time of our reservation. Ok that is what I said while in the lobby waiting to be seated. Once were seated I changed that pretty quick. I was the first to start eating and the last to finish. 3 full full plates later I was stuffed.... it seemed so worth it. Now sitting here four hours later, I'm thinking not so much and that I am paying for it. Fuck that, it was freakin' awesome. There are those who eat to live and those who live to eat. I live to eat.


Violence, Sports and Criminal Law
OMG, in crim law right now discussing actus reas and consent in assault causing bodily harm. Got started on the Bertuzzi issue again. Little angry blond girl (LABG) driving me nuts again. She claims Bert jump on Moore after hitting him from behind and beat the shit out of him. She probably didn't even watch the fucking game! Jesus, it was a cheap hit, should've had a 5 min minor for fighting and that be it. Not Bertuzzi's fault that everyone fell on top of Moore. That is the issue, so to answer the question that the courts already answered no it was not assault causing bodily harm. Simple it just wasn't.
Dating: New Thrilling and Sweet vs Comfortable
Recently a friend was bitching to me how her bf (V) of nearly 3 years doesn't do any of the sweet little things any more. Which prompted me to raise the question of when do bfs stop with the sweetness and reach the comfort zone. In my opinion they should never completely stop doing sweet things. This is one of the few points that S and I will actually agree on. Which brings me to another point, bf never does those sweet things. It is as if he has skipped over the whole first part of dating and slid right into comfort. I still need the begining sweetness. He picks me up (hey ma I finally got a guy with a car of his own), and occasionally brings me flowers (as a side track that he picked up at the gas station down the street), but I have planned every date, whenever I ask what he wants to do or tell him to make the plans he says he doesn't know. So tonight I told him that he has all day tomorrow to figure out what to do and to pick me up at 7:30. It should be interesting.
On another note, his family has a cabin up north. Since the long weekend is coming up (all are avid fishers), he invited me up with his whole family. I haven't met any of them yet aside from a dirty look from his dad one day. I do not fish, and I don't do middle of nowhere shit. See my discription (I am a city girl)... full emphasis on City Girl. Since LC continually makes fun of me for this and it has been mention many times with bf around you would think he would know this. So I tell him that I am sorry that I can't make it because I have work. True, I am working part of the weekend, and I also have a case brief for crim law due on the wed. But last night he says "That's too bad you can't come, you would just love it up there." Ah Hi, you're fucking kidding me right. Does he know me at all. One look at me says it all, and I don't even try to pretend to be interested. Maybe C is right and he is on drugs or perpetually drunk. Stick it!


School, Law, and Starbucks
So as the summer approaches I am toying with the idea of a job. Don't get me wrong, I already have a job, but I am thinking that maybe as my 2nd year on my crim degree I might want a job that actually relates to my field. Does anyone know what my field is? Pause to sip grande americano courtesy of my 2nd trip (it is 12:30) to Starbucks today. Getting another job is probably not likely since I work 5 days a weeks in retail and have crim law durring the day.
Reading other blogs (during crim law), makes me think maybe I should go to law school too. Ha... term paper due in July. Doing the research will make me change my mind very fast. As Barely Legal has said... bad reason for attending law school: I like to argue. Don't get me wrong I love to argue and push people but I like random trivial arguements not arguing to save someones life or send them to prison for the rest of their life. By the way the later will never happen seeings how I live in Canada and a big sentence is a two year conditional sentence to be served under house arrest. That was for two guys who killed a pedestrian while street racings. Come on what the hell was the sentencing judge thinking? I know this is an old case but I had to write a term paper for admin of justice with the same teacher whom I am half listening to now a couple semesters ago. The one thing about law classes, at least we are talking about something half interesting. Right now it is lap dancing and Constitutional law whether businesses can proivide lap dances. Ha.. there is a seedy strip bar (no I have not occasionaly with friends frequented this place) accross the street. By the way they are not permitted to proivide lap dances, and they serve alcohol.
Back to the job idea though. LC and I got drunk on Sat (ass fuckers). During dinner (before the real drunkeness set in) we had one of those long talks about every shity part about our lives. I mean every shity part, things neither one of us would ever tell anyone else. So then after several hours we realized that the band sucked and we were screaming and still couldn't hear each other.So we go back to LC's where I have another beer, then another and realize that it is 2:30 am, I work the next day and have just chugged 2 beers (on top of what I had at the pub) and that I cannot physically drive home. At this point we have another beer, cuz I am now crashing at LC's appartment. LC and I start to chat about jobs and what to do with life. LC asked me why I am still working at store (oh yeah, LC is also my boss). I say that it is my back up plan, if crim doesn't prevail I can be a manager... I do unfortunatly have the training and experience to apply for management positions if I want to. Ugh... shudder... scary. Thursday, LC told me that I would make an awesome cop (what I originally went into crim for)... then she tells me that I should go into broadcasting (again have experience). Fuck if I know anymore. Mean time I will just continue to sit throough crim law... I still have 1 semester left to make a freaking decision.


More on Crying
Why do people feel the urge to cry to bartenders? I really don't understand it. After having a miserable night (including crying) I decided to whip down to my usual pub and have myself a beer. So rather than grabbing a table in the smoking section as usual, I headed to the empty row at the bar in the non smoking section. The bartender, J, looks at me (red puffy eyes and all) and asks if I am ok? No J I'm not freaking ok, but I don't want to talk about it. To which J replies, "Are you sure you're ok? I'm a bartender, I'm a good listener." Me: "No J I really don't want to talk about it." And one of the waitresses looks at us (after she told me that LC and R had just left before I got there) and has that sympathy look and the should-I-be-telling-LC that somethings not right kind of look. Christ all I wanted was a drink in peace. So I let J tell me how he is short kitchen staff and that they close at 11:00 on Sundays. Ok I'm a regular I know this but considering my options I let him keep going.
So my main point in all that is what makes people cry to a bartender. Is it the random stranger thing that does it for them or just having someone pretend that they give a shit and to know that you never have to talk about it again if you don't want to? Will possibly update later, which also proves that I have been in school way too long because I'm considering testing the damn theory.


Why do grown people feel the urge to cry like babies whenever something happens? Did they not cry enough as children?? And did those of us who are not criers just cry too much as kids? I really don't get it. At least most have learned that I do not do criers... my sister's only call me crying if a) they want something to be done about it or (and it is usually this one) b) they just can't damn well get a hold of anyone else!
So I didn't get a chance to talk to bf on Sunday, so I texted him telling him I would call him on Monday. I call him on Monday, he sounds upset. So (and hindsight is 20/20) I ask him what is wrong. Well then the waterworks started and he went on and on and on about how shity his life is for 45 minutes!!! 45 freaking minutes. If only he knew what I was really thinking. Of course I mutter the compensatory mmmms and it will be ok.... until he says (through his tears) "I'm so scared I'm going to lose you." and "You're the only one I can talk to." How the fuck to you break up with someone after that? Throw in some stutters and sobs and those were exact words. What in God's name would make him say something like that. I tell him that I am as committment phobic as Chandler on Friends and he tells me shit like that!!!!
As a side note, I think I have been in school too long because I now want to test the aforementioned theory on random people.
Fuck it or for those who want a change and loved Stick It as much as I did stick it!


So what makes people feel that they have to be involved in everything??? I mean really, are they that much better off? This girl that I used to play softball with, J, coachs gymnastics with one of my sisters. She now coaches softball and gymnastics, works concession and security at the tournaments, has just finished her degree at the university and is volunteering at a prison. Did I mention that she is a year younger than me and I am no where near getting my degree and we are going into the same field? Yeah, I hate people like that. Really what do they hope to gain? I had some classes with two other ones, T and K, they went to my school, worked there, were on every fucking commitee possible, always early, assignments done early etc. Fuck it, or as we now say stick it.