
How do instructors determine the marks that they give their students? Case in point, last week I handed in an assignment to a teacher that I have had several classes with and usually do pretty well in. I also put in a hell of a lot of work in most of her classes. This semester I am totally burned out and just really don't give a shit, so I put in no effort on this assignment. Half of it I did on the couch with my friend's five year old and the other half I did after hip hop the night before it was due while watching the Gilmore Girls. She gave me a B and wrote that I had excellent work on most of the questions. How the fuck is that possible? I didn't even read the fucking book. I know that most people are going to think that I am absolutely insane and should just shut up and take the damn mark and logically all of you who are saying that are absolutely right. Too bad I already called her and left a message for her to call me back.


All of you... go see Borat! Now! This was an awesome, laugh out loud crapping your pants kind of movie. From start to finish the enitre movie was filled with laughs. Expect the unexpected, lude and crude humour that is done so well that it seems as though he doesn't even realize it. Freaking hilarious, go now, faster than the running of the Jew.


Work Life vs Personal Life
So I met two of my sister's at work many years ago. Since then we have all grown and (well most of us) have matured. Both of them moved on to other jobs that were specifically related to their fields. I stayed and moved up in the company. It is not my field of choice, however it is a deffinite back up option. I know that if I want to move up further I can. So for the last couple of years, all four of us have had completely separate and distinct work lives. Obviously there has been some overlap, but for the most part they are separate. When my sister C left, she had nothing but negative things to say about the company. Well she now claims that her current job is not paying enough so she took on a couple days at my company. As a side note, it is fairly well known that C and I have not been getting along all that well lately either. I saw her there today (we were both working) and I was astounded at the anger that I felt. Because we all have pretty well the same group of friend's, this company was my territory. I found it totally annoying to hear her for the last hour of my shift. I see her often enough as it is, just fucking let me do my job without hearing her damn voice too!!!!!


So I had to hand out candy to the kids at work today. Happily, I really wanted to. I wear a uniform, but I decided that I needed to complete the outfit with a set of blue bunny ears. So a couple of the bosses decide that I needed to wear the full out, white and pink fluffy bunny costume we have hidden away in the back offfice. I had to laugh at myself. It was freaking hilarious.
Some of the kids were so cute. There werer twin girls about 18 months old, one was Tigger, the other was Eyeore. Lots of princesses, Darth Vader's, superheroes and so many more. I love Halloween.


Mrs Potato Head
So last night CC, M, C and I go out for dinner. M, CC and I all look fabulous, like hair and make up done, dressed to the nines. Well to the nines for a fab Saturday dinner. C is wearing old runners and no make up. Ok whatever, she feels underdressed and the rest of us just kind of nod in agreement. I have to confess that I am a camera freak, I am always taking loads of freakishly random (and yes my friends do find it rather annoying at times) photos. So CC decides to take one of C and I. I'm looking good, lean in a little bit, soft smile, you know, posed but not posed. There is C with her head up, this freaky half smile no teeth, squinted eyes kind of thing. It is the weirdest thing cuz she totally looks like the Potato head dolls in this pic. LOL


So I'm leaving work today, and I see a woman, A, from another department out having a smoke. Being the consistent smoker that I am, I join her. The headline in todays paper was about a young teacher who was pregnant and murdered (hi, Scott Pederson flashbacks, anyone). This young woman was East Indian. A is German and the other woman was just plain caucasian. Both of them are going on about how ridiculous the East Indian culture is to women and how of course the husband or the brother in law killed her etc. Now, don't get me wrong I fully believe that her husband killed her, but that is based simply on previous cases and slight descriptions from the papers. If that was how A and this random woman proceeded with this conversation, fine. But no, just about everything is a stereotype about the culture, not to mention A's rambling about the law and what the police need. She claims that they need to break the family and get a confession. Sorry hun, but I'm a third year crim student, unless there is evidence to support the confession, it aint gonna do a whole hell of a lot. Argh, I was so damn angry from this conversation. Actually A's comments were very similar to things that C tends to say. They both need to learn how to shut up occasionally and think about what they say before they say it!


Smarty Pants
That's me. So I'm supposed to babysit the boys today, before and after class. So just before I have to leave for school I started getting the younger one ready to go. I'm so go go go with him that I grab my purse, lock the door and leave. I drop him off with the other babysitter and going digging for my keys. Suddenly an image hits me. It is of my keys sitting on the table where I always leave them. So there I go running for the train to be late for school. Running back praying that CT did actually decide to leave work early and is home. No such luck. So the boys and I hop on the bus to go to a restaurant and have early dinner and wait for CT. L calls me just as we get there to see how everyone is and tell me that CT has just left work. I tell her calmly to call him back and tell him to meet us at the restaurant to drive us back to their place. At least they were both understanding about it. But who would have thought a 9 year old could be so judgmental? Hence where the Smarty Pants now comes in. He took great pleasure in telling CT and L about it. Ah well shit happens, at least it was dry and we got to a place where we could wait inside.


No all of you horny people who are reading this it is not about sex. I repeat, NOT ABOUT SEX!!!! Just gonna be a quick post.

So tomorrow us 4 sisters are having our annual (and usually late) Thanksgiving dinner. This year it is at my house. Due to miscommunications, I fiugred that I had to cook the turkey. Turns out that I didn't but then EZ decided no do it anyway. So we go grocery shopping tonight and end up arguing about it cuz I'm all for buying a pre-stuffed cook from frozen turkey. Nope we get the real one, no biggie. But then everyone starts saying how their gonna come over at like 1:30 2:00ish. People you don't get it. I'm inviting you for dinner (usually a meal in the evening), not all day. Argh it is my one true(ish) day off, just leave me the fuck alone for a couple hours. Jesus. Sorry EZ, I know you are probably reading this right now going what the fuck is your problem. By the time you read this I will have explained it to you anyway.


Life (Or Something Like That)
So over the last couple days I seem to have had multiple 'very important' conversations. Some good, some bad and a mixture of both. They included so many people like EZ, L, LC, CT and the boys as well as both of my parents. What each one of these conversations have in common is that they all have an impact at some point. The majority were positive and each had the uncanny ability to show love and understanding. I don't know why, but I seemed to need different levels of it from each person that I talked to (normally I couldn't give two shits). I got it today from M, who muttered 'Love you" when he got out of the car this afternoon. He looked away but smiled (gotta love side mirrors) when I said 'Love you too". He is 5. Why is it that when a child offers unconditional love like that, everything else disappears and all that matters is that one moment? And on that happy note, I will end this post as I watch the slighlt disappointing Cancuks game.


Video Project
So I'm doing a video project as a Christmas present for L and her hubby, CT. The video project has all of the photos that I have taken of their kids throughout the year. The problem is that I have too much music for the amount of pics I have and I have way too many pics of one kid, hardly any of L and either one of the boys and none of CT. So I told L that I have to do a school project and need to do family pics. So she told CT that I need pics of a dysfunctional family for a project. :). I showed the video to her younger son today and told him that it was a surprise and him, his bro and I were going to give it to L and CT for Christmas. I don't know how long the secret will last but oh well.


Stupid Signs
I swear people should wear stupid signs. Mainly my sister C. She and I have the huge talk on Sunday (yeah over MSN) and now she is supposed to be getting her unbf (whom I really think is her bf) AKA BT to "talk to me" about how unfair I'm being to C and him. So I saw him twice yesterday and he did nothing. So then I find out that he is supposed to call me last night or today. Haven't gotten a call. 20 minutes ago I hear that he is going to email me. What the fuck? She can't fight your own damn battles? Grow some freaking balls, both of them. The said part is that both of their jobs require confronting people, if she can't confront her sister how the fuck does she expect to be successfull at her job? And I very specifically told her that he has nothing to do about it, it is between her and I and her lack of respect for me. And at this point I am so close to throwing in the lack of respect that she is showing EZ, L and CT as well. Not to mention the disrespect that BT is showing L and CT as well. This is the point where I say fuck it, "I'm still mad as hell and I don't have time to go round and round."


Not Ready To Make Nice
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell andI don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn’t if I could‘
Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should.
Called the radio station to dedicate this song to my sister. Bitchy, oui? Maybe just a wee bit. Oh well c'est la vie. For an update on what happened the last couple days (and a different perspective) check out EZ's blog.
On that note, L and I had a really long talk about the whole thing (she is the guys sister in law and the 2 of us have been good friends since before all of this shit started). L and her hubby are pissed about the whole thing too. She basically said that I really need to talk to C and shouldn't throw away our friendship. But I can't bring it up (unfortunatly have a non-confrontational thing happening unless I am confronted first). Now she is confronting me on MSN. I felt bad about doing it over the phone and she is using MSN. Holy fuck. And she still can't figure out why I am mad as hell. Argh!!!!


Rules of Feminism
Ok so there are certain unwritten rules about feminism and sisterhood. We all know they are there and understand them right? Wrong. One of my sisters, my very good, close friend knew that I had fallen head over heals for this guy. What does she do? Oh that's right she went on a date with him last night and even had the balls to ask one of our other sister's to lie to me about it. And this is after she asked the other sister the night before whether she should or not and the other sister told her not to!!! I didn't even get mad, to me it is just over. I don't need to put up with her immature shit (my friend's five year old has better manners and is more mature than she is), cattiness, and backstabbing. And obviously our friendship means so little to her, so why should I bother.
Every Thanksgiving the four of us get together and have our own turkey dinner. This year it is at my house. I am preparing it and everyone is coming over. Everyone except C. I'm sorry but she totally disrespected me and I don't want her in my house. Plain and simple.


Hey All
Hello to all out there who actually read this blog. I know most of you are probably falling out of your chairs at this moment since it has been a month since my last post. So sorry. Back at school with an inability to actually bring my laptop to school (prime posting time) and food poisoning among many other things has led to the lack of posts. I promise more updates (and definatly more specific updates) to follow.


Emotional Purging Part 2
It was a girl at work's last day today. So me, her (J), and L decided to go for dinner and drinks to celebrate. Dinner goes well, drink maybe 1 glass of wine more than I should have. Head back to L's to continue. J leaves around 10 cuz she had her little bro with her too. So L and I get to talking. Quite a bit to the point where she is crying and I am almost there. We went through everything, from her uncle dying (this was recent), to her kids, to what I could do, self-esteem struggles, to extremely bad periods in both of our lives. L is like the mother to people, but only certain people. She will find one or two that she takes under her wing and mothers them (in addition to her own children). Although she said many things that struck me, one thing really stuck with me. The other night (just after she found out about her uncle) I was talking to her and she seemed very uncertain about what to do about the whole thing. I told her about how I reacted to my grandfather passing away. So tonight she thanks me a tells me that I made a big difference in how she was coping. That helped (I'm not sure that is the right word but it is the best one I could come up with to describe how I am feeling) me. I've never been 100% sure of what I want to do "when I grow up", but I have always been sure of wanting to help people and make a difference. Just knowing that something I said helped her and made a difference to her was huge.


Update on Earlier Post
Still haven't talked to LC about it, but got a txt from R this morning. It was one of those I have something you want and I'm trying to make peace here type txts. He had found 5 packages of "coincidently" the same type of cigs that I smoke and asked if I wanted them. Sure do.

Xbf has gofne psycho with his multiple times a day txts. The latest... he wants to go horse back riding with me. Uh how about a big hell no. No matter who you are I do not do horse back riding. Period. Then when I am at the pub I get another message from him asking if I'm mad at him. Then there was an ice skating message. Oh for the love of God I am not your gf. Get that through your motherfucking little brain.
Back at Home
So my lovely housesitting gig is up. Not sure if they appreciated it or not, they seemed indif when I saw them tonight. Oh well at this point I am so livid that I really don't give 2 shits I just want my stuff back.
As per last post our project manager was here. Now LC is rather miffed about that because she came while she was on holidays. So I got thrown in. Not that I wouldn't have anyway but apparently I am now taking on responsibilities that I shouldn't have to (bs) and that LC is held accountable. Well then don't fucking tell me that I need to take more responsibility and care more about it. Either you want someone who cares or you don't. You don't get both whenever it is convienient for you. Sorry sugar it just doesn't work that way. And don't tell me that you are pissed off about being out of the loop and then ream me out for telling you what happened. Fuck that I will not put up with your contradictory bullshit. Maybe I should call in sick on Wed :)


Been a Bit
Ok so it has been a bit since my last post... not much time since back at work. Which actually went absolutely amazingly and rather wierd.

Sunday, 1st day back. Swear up and down all afternoon that I will never take holidays again. Disaster. The whole back to school call to action that I set up was completely distroyed. Litterally completely different than M had communicated it to be set up... and M arrives tomorrow morning. Fuck. About an hour before closing the power goes. In the entire mall. So we closed early and by the time I left (being pretty much a psyedo (sp?) manager, I was one of the last to leave) there was still no power and this was 40 minutes later. Double Fuck cuz nothing got done.

Monday, Ok don't panic. Meet with M early. Supposed to be there at 9, apparently M had been there between 7:30 and 8:30 waiting for all of us. Fuck. Now from conference calls and emails, I have been unable to stand anything relating to M for the last 6 months. I'm thinking she is going to be a total stuck up bitch. Totally wrong, completely. Loved her. Such a sweet heart plus I found someone who works just as hard (if not harder) and just as crazy as I am. Didn't think that was posssible. Missed last break cuz we got caught up in what we were doing and left half hour late. Oh well. M bought me coffee before I left so I was happy.

Tuesday. M wanted me there at 7 (yeas in the morning... we all know I don't do mornings). So I get there, let her in, she goes to get coffee (40 min to get to Timmy's... does she know that there is one accross the street?). Another coffee adict too. Do the move and her and I work really closely for most of the day. By 2:30 still haven't gone for lunch (I'm off at 3:30 and my luch is 1 hour). So we decide to go for lunch. Place still a disaster but really coming together. Find out that M shares an extreme shoes and purse obsession too. Learn that as of Spet 1, she is leaving DD to go to another banner in our huge company. Finally I am liking her and she leaves. Urgh!!! Marketing manager, D, and I tell her we need her back tomorrow but no go, she has a tight schedule to work with. Left me her cell number and told me to call if I need anything at any time. Good. We say our goodbyes and both at the same time, "Thank you so much for everything". Left work at 6. 11 hour day. Got to be there tomorrow at 7. Talk to my store manager after M leaves, he told me that she really liked me and everything that I wanted to do. Good maybe I can use her as a contact (moving up in the world!!). Fabulous day, even if I'm so tired and sore that I can't see straight. Shower and bed. Xbf update (7 messages today, 7!!!) to come probably tomorrow or Thurs.


So CC and I are sitting on the couch at LC's "watching" Prime that we rented last night. Movie is so boring that I read the new copy of Elle that came this morning, have checked every blog that I read regularily (and some that I don't) and drank an entire pot of coffee. And we are only halfway through the movie.

Heard gun shots last night. About 2:30 in the morning, laying in bed wide awake when I hear it. Never heard them so close. Granted we do not live in the ghetto but seriously. Then I didn't even hear sirens. I think this is the only night living in the city that I have not heard sirens at some point.

Going to turn of boring movie and straighten CC's hair and do my make up. Crappy movie leads to girls pampering time.


Check This Out
Anyone with even the remotest sense of humour (or homeless problem as those who live in my city do) should check out this guys site.

And as a side note, the cat has now been upgraded to Murray Boo Boo Bin Laden. That's what I get for having too much time on my hands and remaining on the couch in my pjs till 3:00 this afternoon. Yes Murray is a reference to the 2 straight hours of Mad About You that some WB station played all morning.


Updates on Previous Post
So it is update time here at Life, Trials and Tribulations....

Truth night happened last night. Actually it did not go as bad as I figured it would. Of course I was the first there (other than C since it was at her house). Since C and I's disagreement started the whole thing I was rather dismayed to realize that I was the only one there. Nonetheless I went in and made polite small talk with her. When EZ and CC arrived we all sat around the table and chatted about anything but what EZ dubbed "the big pink elephant". Took us awhile to get to that. C started and ended it with CC saying next to nothing, me just verbalizing our concern for C and EZ basically doing the same thing. At the end of it, C felt better, and the rest of us felt like we accomplished absolutely nothing. That's right nothing at all was resolved. Basically it was a surprisingly calm C telling us how difficult it is to balance a new relationship and sisters. Yes C we know, we've all been there, you more than most of us!

I am no longer calling the cat Osama. She came out of hiding the other night and slept at my door. And she sat at the base of the couch during my several Bond movie marathon yesterday and got angry if I didn't scratch her head. And she is eating again, so the seperation anxiety has only seemed to last the first couple days.

Decided to finish of the bacon today. Didn't have time yesterday seeing how I woke up half hour before I had to leave. So I cooked it in the microwave instead of the frying pan (see previous post). Going to pull it out I grab the greasy, hot side of the plate. So now the other finger on the other hand is burnt too and I have a glass of ice water beside me that I stick it in for awhile, but now it is starting to hurt from being so freaking cold. Not too mention the violent pink colour. I overcooked the eggs as well but got the toast and coffee down. So for the next week and a half it is going to be all about toast and coffee. Note to everyone, never let me touch anything else invovling hot grease or eggs ever again. That's just on bad time.

Have a dentist appointment in 2 hours, guess I should put some clothes on and go do some laundry eh. Back to reality and having to clean out the litter box (I've put that off as long as posssible and now both the cat and I are disgusted by it).


Been Awhile
Ok I know it has been awhile since my last post (well for me anyway). So much has happened. So lets just jump right in shall we.

Last Wed I head to work after crim law and realize that we have a visit from the head of my dept. I'm not talking me (yes I am a dept head, who the hell would have guessed), but from the operations and marketing manager from back east. WTF?!?! I'm on holidays next week, LC is on holidays and so is our store's marketing manager. We are so fucked! So I have an hour long panic attack and about 4 cigs and halfway through run into LC who asks why the hell I care so much. Excuse me? Have you seen the dept lately?

I had invited R and LC for dinner Thurs night, she said she would get back to me. Wait around apres work to realize that LC is having a mani pedi at a day spa in the mall (must be nice :). So another friend, L and I have a glass of wine on the patio at work. Yes I got buzzed after one glass, had not eaten since about 10:30 that morning and it was now after 7. So LC comes by and says to come over so her and R can go over everything I need to know for the upcoming 2 weeks that I will be staying at their apartment. Halfway home (where I am driving buzzed like a madwoman) I'm thinking I will just pull in all the laundry and finish it later, and attempt to shovel something in my mouth because I am seriously starving. R calls and says he is making burgers and asks if I want one. Hell yes, but how did we go from me inviting them to my place for dinner to them making me dinner at their place? Whatever.

Also on Thurs I get a text from xbf. Yes he did finally learn how to txt even if there was not a single space between words and some where spelt wrong. He wants to hang out some time this week. Told him I would shoot a couple games of pool with him. That's it.

Fast foreward to Sat. Supposed to go to a local bar with sisters. Two were wasted at the restaurant before we got anywhere near the bar. I also got a txt from LC saying that her and R were at the pub (which I far prefer to the bar we were at). Decided to bail early, stating that I got a txt from xbf (they don't have to know it was a couple days before) and decided to hook up with him. Aight told a little lie, but playing pool and chilling at the pub was a much better alternative.

Yesterday I was going to R and LC's to start my housesitting/ catsitting. Earlier in the week I had told everyone to come for dinner and even asked who was coming on Fri. I'm talking to a very hungover CC when an equalling hungover C calls. She says she can't make it cuz she has to clean her house cuz her bf is coming over. She claims she knew this when I invited her to dinner. Which prompted me (in an angry PMS state) to call her a sell out and hang up. She called me back twice and left a bitchy vm where she cries at the end. So I txt her saying that all she had to do was tell me I'm not sure can I let you know or a simple no. She responded by saying that she thought she would get everything done on Sat and didn't. So I reply with fine. And for me it was done, I was over it, I explained my point of view, she explained hers. Simple, done moving on I'll see her Mon or Tues right. Wrong. She sends me an attitude laced txt about how she is sick of explaining herself to people. WTF? You piss someone off you explain yourself. Period. I did, she did it should have been over.

I've realized that the cat, B, has more freaking hiding places that Osama. Seriously, I searched the entire apartment (indoor cat) several times before I found her. And she usually hides in R and LC's room, but the door is closed and she can't get in there. Crazy.

Went to make breakfast this morning. Decided that the bacon sounded good with eggs and toast. Didn't even get to the eggs cuz while trying to remove the bacon grease from the pan I managed to spill the hot hot grease all over my left index finger. So I stood at the sink with my left hand under cold water, trying to eat and drink my coffee. Called EZ (has 1st aid) asking what I should do. Txt R asking if he has a 1st aid kit. Nope have to go to neighbour's. Not doing that while in pjs etc. Call Mom (yes Ma I know that only my accident-prone self could pull something like that). Really hurt to take a shower or if I have to hold a ciggy in that hand but other than that the pain seems to have subsided. Moral of the story here; never attempt to make bacon or pour out bacon grease before consuming a minimum of 1 cup of coffee, in fact just cook in microwave where the paper towel soaks up all the grease and all the clean up involves is throwing out the cooled paper towels.

More later this week, appologies for the uber long post.

Update on the C fight!!! Apparently she is no long mad at EZ (who completely blew up at her and screamed at her about everything) but is still "not ready to talk to T". Yeah, EZ, CC and I all talked about it tonight and none of us gets that one. So we are going over to her house tomorrow night and as CC's bf says are staging an intervention. Basically we call it a truth night and all 4 of us let loose. EZ, CC and I are a little terrified. Update to follow tomorrow or Wed.


Camping Weeked
So I went camping this weekend with R and LC. Well it was our campsite and exbf and several others tended to congregate at our site (at least they all brought beer and exbf bought a bottle of rum for LC and I :). So many things happend but too much to get into so I will try to cover only the basics

On the way down we listened to sattelite (sp?) radio. Got sick of playing with it so put cd in. R forgot about the subwofer. LC freaked out and I sat in the back (directly above the sub) going "This is fucking awesome!!"

Sat morning R went to the showers, after having a smoke and posing, talked to the head of the organization among other people. He made it alll the way there before realizing that he had no shorts on, only his knickers. We all noticed and couldn't look at each other without laughing. Freaking hilarious. That was the running joke for the weekend.

There were 2 parties. The Kaley on Fri (still don't know what that was, we had beer at the campsite). Yeah that was party central. There was a Tatoo on Sat (took me all weekend to get used to a Tatoo being a party not a skin). We missed the Tatoo by drunken mistake. By the time it started, LC was drunk and went with R to find pizza for dinner, and exbf and I were drunk at the campsite. He taught me how to drum while drunk.

Pissed rain Sun morning. Gazebo leaked then flew away. And all this was before noon. LC and I were not in good moods driving home. Got home after 11. Shit was I tired. But still a good weekend.


So 2 more days until a leave for a mini holiday. Can't wait. When I had to get the shift covered every one told me that I needed to go. God yes.Climbed many hurdles (including lies to not nurt people) to go. Only another 12 hours of work then I'm gone!!!

Also check out LawNut's (http://lawnut.blogspot.com/) blog for my comments and her considerations of what I said. For anyone considering changing hair styles and bangs, Rachel Bilson's cut works really well especially if you want low maintenance.

Went to see Grandma (AKA Crazy Old Woman) yesterday. We had a long chat about my Pops and his idiosyncracies (many of which I have also inherited). She thinks he is in very poor health so at the end of our morning arguement I snapped at him to call his mother and tell her that he is not dead.

I think that I have decided what to do once I finish school. I think I will work for the Child and Families Ministry as a social worker advocating for children's rights. I don't even know if that is a position, but being an Aries I will do this anyways. One of my aunts has a degree in crim and does a similar job only she works for the unemployment offices. So I'm going to talk to her in a couple weeks (my mom is planning a dinner party with that family and a friend of hers because the 2 daughters are close in age). On another note that means I will have to be there to play with J and L (the 2 daughters). I will take them to the park but they can amuse themselves for awhile too. I'm 22 dammit, I want to have an adult convo with my family and friends as well.

Anyway, back to crim law as I have an exam and should really pay attention in class.


Home Sweet Home
I'm finally home after 2 weeks of back and forth. Let me clarify. My aunt and uncle went camping with friend's of theirs and their 15 year old didn't want to go. So my aunt made a deal with her, if she could convince me to stay with her she didn't have to go. Luckily for her I'm a soft touch most of the time. So last night I went straight home from work, not home then to her place or vice versa. It was fabulush dahling. Plus my bro and his gf got home from Europe last night (they were gone for 6 weeks) so we had a total homecoming thing. Just the 5 of us, steaks, beer, and a whole shit load of other food. It was great. Until my bro uploaded his photos and started a slideshow. 40 minutes later we were still looking at the Vatican and he still had 2 memory sticks to go. That was it for me. I swear I will shoot him if he shows me another Vatican photo. I went to the pub and had a rum and coke with J and D instead. Much better :)


Crazy Jealous B, Aversions
So near the end of my shift I see a girl in another dept that looks like CJB. For those who don't know who CJB is, she is a friend's daughter that went ape shit when said friend asked meto house sit for her among a whole host of things. Back to yesterday, I could only see the back of her head but was pretty positive that it was her. So I went about my business for about 5 minutes until curiousity got the better of me. So I grab a pile of stuff that belongs in ladies wear and saunter through the dept that CJB was in. Sure was her, with LC. So I smile in greating and keep walking, proud of my ability to "be the bigger person" in the face of CJB's icy glare. I don't gain anything from confronting her (aside from satisgying my own curosity). But if she were to be provoked (all I have to do to provoke her is be in the same proximity of her) into saying anything I would have to defend myself right. Thoughts on this are welcome.


So I'm going camping in Seattle next weekend (meaning after this one). I figured since LC and R and I are going and LC does my schedule for work I didn't have to book the time off. Couple weeks ago she tells me that she needs someone to work Sat and if I can get someone to do it great. So I get the shift covered. Done, still going. On Monday she brings me next weeks schedule and I notice that she has booked me in Fri at noon. We are supposed to leave Fri at 9 am. What?!?!? All I want is one fucking weekend to go right. Goddammit one weekend. Why is that so hard? Let me clarify my staff situations, there is a dept head (me) and 2 other people. One girl works at a psych hospital on Fridays so she is unavailable. The other girl is working in mens wear that day. Hello why the hell does Honey get to steal my staff so that my weekend gets fucked around? Oh was I ever pissed off! So LC calls me later Mon to appologize and tell me she has found a solution. So I beg the woman in jewellery whom I can't stand to work the Fri for me. Thank God she agreed that I need some time away and said she would do it. Have I become that bitchy that people are noticing that I need so time off? Looking back on my behaviour (fighting with the jewellery dept head last week, refusing to help on cash, saying people are retards, yelling at the ASM that I was off 10 minutes ago and really don't want to take a bitchy customer's luggage to her car and then come back to close my till and clean my fitting rooms {all at 6:15 when we close at 6}) Ok I'm starting to see the bitchiness now. Oops, maybe I do need a holiday. By LC's mistake I only work 4 days next week then I have 4 possibly 5 days off, then the nest week I work 4 days because my float day (one day a year where we get a day off with pay), then I have a week of holidays durring a stat week so that means I will have 11 or 12 days of holidays in a row. Could I be any more excited for next Thurs (actually Wed because it will be my last day)? No I don 't think so. Thank God, it's about time for some freaking holidays!!!!!


So it was my sister's birthday on Friday. So C and I planned a party for her tonight. She had organized a multi-city wide scavenger hunt for the afternoon so C and organized a dinner and casino night for the evening. By Friday we realized that our total count was 13 people. Having this info, I call the restaurant to make a reservation for Sunday night. At that point I was informed that they do not take reservations for Friday and Saturday nights. That's just fine, but I want a reservation for Sunday night. I was then ever so polietly informed that she meant weekends. GRRRR. So I sat in the very small, very crowed lobby for an hour and a half waiting till they could seat us. Thank God C and her new bf came down to meet me after 20 minutes. We decided to sit at the bar and start a night off with Porn Star shots compliments of new bf. Overall the rest of the night went well until just about the end when some of them decided that a minor water fight at the table was a good idea. It's pretty said when the 10 month old baby was better behaved than some of the 20-somethings.


Pet Peeves
First of, I really can't say how long this list will be as I have just finished the week from hell (re Wednesdays emotional purge). Basically this list will be comprised of the majority of things in general that just really piss me off (Ma I know you are thinking that I should just make a list of things that don't piss me off cuz damn near everything pisses me off). On that note, no I am not an angry person.
  1. Slow people!!! This goes for walking, driving, ordering, paying, basically anything you can imagine. Including drinks or food at restaurants.
  2. On that note, people who love to linger at restaurants. Get in and get the fuck out. Other people want to eat to. And while I am on this, most of the people I go out to eat with I see or talk to every day, why the fuck do we need to spend 4 hours with our asses planted in an uncomfortable chair?
  3. Radio stations that play the same songs over and over again. They really know how to kill a good song. I know that people really want to hear it, but really every hour is a little excessive. Even for me.
  4. People who drive (ok relation to #1) 90 in the left lane on the freeway. If someone is coming up behind you doing 100, 110 etc get the fuck out of the way. Plain and simple. The left lane is the passing lane for a reason.
  5. Excessive PDA's. Little sister you know this is about you. I'm sorry but I really don't need to see you and your signifigant other play tonsel hockey. For that matter neither does anyone else. Get a room. Period.
  6. People who bitch about people smoking outside. I realize that smoking is a horrendous habit, but we are outside. The smoke blows away, and if it is blowing in your face by mistake just casually point it out. Do not start excessively breathing through your mouth, fanning your face etc. This just makes you look like a fool and me want to blow smoke purposefully in your face.
  7. Those who generally bitch about it are the same people who think a bylaw should be passed preventing smoking on patios of restaurants and bars. These are also the same people who do not think that our excessive about of heroin/crack addicts should be treated criminally. Cigarettes are legal, heroin is not. Why the hell can the addict shoot up in the middle of the goddamn road but I can't enjoy a cigarette on the patio with my rum and coke?
  8. People who yell/scream and curse in public while on their cell phone or pay phone. Your house phone is for phone arguements fool. The whole damn store doesn't need to know how fucking broke and stressed you are. On that note, don't even fucking think of stealing from me because you have no money. That is not my problem, get the fuck out of my store than!

There you have my general pet peeves for this week


Decisions, Decisions
How do we know that the decisions we have made are the right ones? Is there a sign that points us in the right direction? Is it called instinct? Is there just something, indefinable, that compels us to make the choices that we make? If we question our decisions does that mean that we did not make the right decision? Does this mean regret? To what extent do we control our own destiny and to what extent is our destiny controlled by the stars? When do we throw up our hands and take a blind leap of faith?
I like stability. I like the security of knowing where my next paycheck is coming from and approximately how much it will be. I consider myself to be careful in making decisions if somewhat impulsive. I make decisions quickly and generally without a second thought. So when I question those decisions I really wonder if I did the right thing.
They say if something is easy then it is not the ‘right thing to do’. Shouldn’t one know immediately if it is right? The difference between right and wrong should be black and white. There should not be any question. And sometimes the hard road isn’t the right one. Many times it doesn’t feel like the right one. Does it mean hurting someone we care deeply for?
I would not deliberately hurt someone I care for, although I know that I have hurt many people that I love. It was not deliberate. I am consumed with guilt when I realize (and many times it takes quite awhile and a smack in the head for me to realize that I have hurt someone). Yet I am very loyal and generous to those that I care for. I can be careless with words and downright bitchy. I rationalize it (or balance) by being generous through material items and actions. I may not let a friend cry on my shoulder but if they need anything, anywhere I would move heaven and earth for them to get it. When someone has hurt someone that I love I will be the first to stand for them.
This seems as though I am trying to convince myself of my attributes. This was not my intention by writing this. My intention was simply to voice my thoughts. These are thoughts that I would very rarely verbally communicate, however by writing them I wonder if people would realize. What is to be realized I do not know. I suppose each person should interpret this in their own way. To me it is an explanation of my actions, and yet a deep reflection of self-doubt. I hope that those who read this will realize that I am human, and not without faults. Hell I probably I have more faults then most. I prefer to embrace my faults and hope that others do as well. You cannot love the surface of something. You must dig deeper. You may not like what you find, however what you find is generally truer, more loyal than anything you could possibly find on the surface.
When emotions run deep the soul yearns. What it years for is unknown. I suppose it really depends on the individual. What some may want (a want so profound that it becomes a necessity) others may scorn. Some need love; others do not but enjoy it while they have it. Some need acceptance. At the heart of it, love and acceptance seem synonymous. To be loved unconditionally comes with acceptance. One cannot have love if they do not have acceptance. Where does the acceptance lie? I believe to answer this one must look to themselves. If one cannot accept their own faults how can they expect another to?
There is a fine line in which all of our emotions are entwined. Each is connected to the other. When one is lucky they balance, each emotion carefully constructed to feed the other. This may sound cold and calculating but it is not. It is simply an observation. Emotions are instinct. They control our reactions to situations and circumstances. Our first reaction is emotion. This is why I use the word constructed. As we experience the curves that life throws at us we learn to control our reactions; to mask the emotion. For some it comes easily. Others will struggle to mask their emotions for most of their lives. I am one of those people. I hate that the expression on my face can generally tell whoever is around the exact thought that crosses my mind. Every mood shift (yes there are several), to every minute detail. It is all on my face, you just need to know where to look.
To close I will try to answer the questions that led to this emotional purging. I believed in the decisions that I had made. Had I made a slight waver one way or the other I would not be who I am today. Something that happened in the past has crept up and fed the insecurity in me. Compare to many others I have led a rather sheltered life. I listen to people and I realize that although if I am in a position to lead, I will and do, I dream a lot more than I do. There are many changes that I wish to make, however I am uncertain about how to go about them. I see now and I see where I want to be, it is the middle that is blurry. Then there are some things where I see the now and wonder what I am going to do with it in the future. Insert blind leap of faith here.
To those who are reading this, I hope this has helped to give you an insight to why I do the things that I do; and also to inspire you. Take from this what you will, use it to make clear decisions in whatever it is that you want from life. Life is short so make the most of the time that you have.


Summer Nights
So because my weekend plans fell through, I told LC that I would come to work on my day off and help her finish this big project we had to do. So as I was leaving I told her to give me a call if her and R make it to the pub tonight. R ended up pulling out his guitar and practicing. She calls me while EZ and I are out for dinner. Tells me to stop by. EZ decides to go home. So I pick up some beer and show up.
The three of us sat in the dark (save for one candle so R could see the music) drinking beer and singing whatever R played that we knew the words to. In that hour it was the perfect summer evening. Everyone was totally relaxed and just chilling to good tunes and good beer. R goes to bed, with the hug and don't leave, stay the night if you want. I am an Aires, I like knowing that people approve. Totally contradictory cuz if they don't I say that I really don't give a fuck what people think. But that is a whole other issue. For now the bottom line is that it was the perfect summer night. I'm not going to spoil it.
Holiday Long Weekend
So I had some wicked plans for this weekend. And yes they did involve a hell of a lot of alcohol. Firday I was to work from 6-11 (yes am) then go to class. Sleep for a couple hours then head down to a beach town a couple hours and a boarder crossing away. That didn't happen. By the time I finished everything and got home it was 4:30. 12 hours after being awake. Slept for three hours then called K. K says they are not leaving till 9:30 or 10. So I figured there was not point. I still had to come back Sat to work Sun and for Pop's birthday dinner. That's alright. Sunday after work I'm going camping. Still happy.
Sunday on my break I check my vm. 2 messages, both from EZ. Number 1, bring pop, air mattress and alcohol. Number 2, don't come, we got kicked out of the campsite. What the fuck. You are mature enough (or should be) to know how to party without getting kicked out. So Sunday I spent most of the night at home brooding about how much my weekend sucked. Until my dad suckered me into coming up for dinner (like 3 hours later than usual) by scrapping his chicken and spaghetti plans for steak and potatoes. Ok so the man knows how to get to me. Note to anyone reading this, if you want anything from me your best chance is to make me a big juicy steak with a piping hot baked potatoe. Oh and make sure there is sour cream and bacon bits. Yum!!!


Update on Soap Opera
So CC, C, and E and i (4sisters) met the other night to discuss CC's predicament. We basically came up with the same idea's that I discussed in this blog. Adding to the soap opera though is LC's own crisis. Before I met the sisters that night I was heading to the library to work on my crim law paper. I got there at 7:30. Would you actually believe that the library was closed!! The whole campus was locked up tighter than the freaking Pentagon. So I decided that going home would be a bad idea cuz my dad figured I was at the library and it was easier to kill time out than listening to Pops lecture.
As I walk in I find W, who I had recieved a 3 am drunk dial from a couple nights ago. Chat with W then wind my way through the pub and find LC and R playing pool. We shoot some pool and then another customer wants to play R. So LC and I shoot the shit for a bit, including discussing CC's problem and how I am going to meet them. LC invites me over for a beer (oh how me and beer have such a love hate relationship). She then explains in a very round about way that she is having extreme issues at work. But won't tell me anything about it, only the effect it is having on her. CC calls saying that she got off work early and to come meet her. I say my goodbyes, hug LC and tell her to call me if she needs anything. She asks why I am leaving and if I can stay to help her. K, 2 issues, firstly how the hell can I help her if she won't tell me anything and secondly I just explained the whole CC situation to her. Rather obvious that I would not ditch my sister tonight. Which of course later pissed CC off that I had been at the pub with LC earlier. CC and H seem to have this in common. Oh and while talking about H, her and her bf move in together this month, she is not talking to LC (no one knows why) so it looks as though she is going to bail yet again. Cool empty apartment here I come!


Today's Life, Trials and Tribulations Soap Opera
So 2 weeks ago one of my sisters broke up with her long term bf. They broke up cuz she was hooking up with her ex bf who just happened to be other bf's exbestfriend. They both also happen to have the same name and another really good friend (S). The now current previoulsly exbf lives with S. The x lives about 4 hours away (part of the downfall of their relationship). S decided on Sunday (excatly 2 weeks after the break up) to call x and tell him that my sis and current bf spent the weekend together. Just to stir the shit you know. Well he really stirred the shit. No he fucking purreed the shit (sorry late night insomnia cured by food network analogy there). Sunday night my sis, another sis and I went for a late walk (side note; it was freaking hot that day, we had to go late) when the x calls. She says that she is just out and will call him when she gets home. 15 minutes later we get back to her place and CH and I leave. C calls x back. He proceed to scream at her for over 2 hours about what a slut she is etc. I do not agree with what she did but no one fucking calls my sister and screams that she is a slut for 2 hours. Hells no! After hanging up with C, the next morning the x calls the now current bf. He tells him what to do with C (he actually gave him a list of requirements) and NCBF said that he couldn't (and wouldn't) guarantee anything to XBF. XBF then told him that he wasn't responsible for his actions after that point. Alright then. So naturally C is upset, we were all meeting at my place for girls night and NCBF knew this and didn't tell C immediatly so as not to upset her. Good! Of course E and I had to sit down with CH and rationally explain his behaviour because she was right pissed that he didn't tell C right away.
Fast foreward to early this morning about 1 am. C gets a text from XBF making a comment about her name appearing in a suicide note. What the fuck?!?!?!? C doesn't hear the phone and gets the message about 6:30 am. So she panics and calls him ASAP. He doesn't pick up but txts her again asking what she wants. Now he told her on Sunday that he never wants to see her again. He tells her that he is coming down this weekend and staying with S. Thank God C, NCBF, all sisters among others are going camping for most of the weekend. So C calls me in tears while I am sitting here in crim law and explains the whole thing to me and asks what she should do. OMG I don't know. I have never (and I really don't want to be) been in that situation. I am only to thankful that I am a very minor side character in this whole little drama. Updates to follow.
Check This Out
Aight yo! So check this out. www.paulsadowski.com. Try the birthday calculator and what your name says about you. This guy is freakily accurate. I'm talking goosebumps while reading it kind of accurate.


Highland Games
So Saturday was my 1st Highland games ever. Freaking awesome!!! Had a blast! The negative side (why do I always have to start with the negatives? Oh well that's just me) is that my addiction to Irn Bru has resurfaced. For any who haven't tried it Irn Bru is a Scottish soft drink that is nearly impossible to find in regular stores. So boy was I ever impressed when I saw a huge ass display of Irn Bru at one of the booths. I bought one then called on of my sisters (she works at one of the only stores that sells the stuff in the city) and got her to pick me up a 12 pack. The other negative was the sunstroke and the horrendous burn on my neck that came with it. By the time I got home (just after 11) I collapsed on the bed and didn' t move until 9:30 this morning (rolling over to turn of the alarm counts dammit!!!).
They have everything at these games. There is an outdoor market that reminded me of the Faida's in Portugal, pipe and drumming competitions (R and J I never dreamed that I would actually enjoy that Scottish stuff that my Grandma kept heaping on me as a child, you guys are awesome), highland dancers, heavy weights (caber tossing :), dog shows, vintage cars and so so much more. Including beer tents. We all know what that means. I had to drive so I'm not talking L&A drunk or NDC drunk but you get my drift.
Hot sunny day. Big drunk Scotsmen. Nowhere to sit. Feet are so swollen think my shoes are going to break. Can't get my new ring (it's beautiful, sterling silver Celtic knots with a black stone in the middle) off my finger. Need food. Need Advil. In that order or I will be praying to porcelain Gods ASAP. Beer tent closes (ok we got kicked out). Go to pub. Hour wait for food. T gonna pass out. LC wasted. R not sure what to do with either one of us. Get me food. Food comes. Struggle to eat one little corner of my sandwhich. So far beyond hungry that anything going down was difficult to keep it from coming up. Could barely drive home. Had to call CC and make her ask me questions all the way home. Talked to Pops, fell into bed. Aah sleep. And I will do this all over again in 2 weeks only this time R is driving so I don't have to worry about a thing. Cept R is taking me and xbf but it's all good cuz he's picking me up at 8am. I will sleep through the whole 3 or 4 hour drive. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Overheard in New York
Normally I don't really link anything to my posts but I have to tell you about ONY. Freaking hilarious. Random people from NYC contribute things that they have overheard and some are so clueless. Some are so damn typical that you can hear the accents coming through, think Spic from the Bronx etc. Anyways just check it out. http://www.overheardinnewyork.com


Back to the Dr I Go
So I finished my antibiotics yesterday. My ear is still fucked up though. So this morning I got up early and headed up to the clinic before class. This Dr was even worse than the last. He said the infection has pretty well cleared up so I don't need more antibiotics. Ok that's great then why the fuck do I still feel like my head is filled with cotton??? I would like to regain my hearing sometime this century!! Not too mention I can't go swimming and am going camping next weekend. So this dr prescribed a nasal spray to "release the pressure behind my ear" thus meaning that at some point a huge rush of clear and pussy fluid will start to ooze out of my ear. Peachy!!! He also gave me a referal to a nose, ear and throat specialist. Even more peachy!!! He said nothing about my eye, hasn't progressed but I really do miss contacts and make up. What can I say, I'm a girl, I am allowed to like pretty things and dolling myself up. Urgh just get it over with already.
Here I figured that being a caucasian female, discrimination had not affected me much. Of course as a teenager I did get some of the age discrimination but nothing major. So today I had to go to the dr this morning (sperate update to come on that). Because it took less time than I figured I was really early for class. So I decided walk around t he quay, get some coffee (of course) and do some window shopping. Many of the sidewalks on the side streets are very narrow. Two women were walking towards me, each with a stroller and one with another child beside the stroller. So I step aside into an alley to let them pass and smile at the boy who walks by me. The woman then gives me this dirty look. Yes I look younger than I am, I was dressed nicely, I am not covered with piercing or tatoos and I was courteous and move aside so that they could pass. The only thing that I can say to explain it is discrimination. Plain and simple. In this case (I know it is a rarity) I did absolutely nothing wrong. I wasn 't even smoking at the time. Christ here I thought we as a society had moved beyond discriminatory stereotypes.


So as many of you surely have noticed, I cuss quite a lot. It was brought to my attention to work the other day. Apparently the woman who works in the garden centre accross the parking lot can hear me on the patio. So I made a deal with myself, any cuss (said out loud or under my breath) uttered equals 1 minute of overtime (unpaid). I generally work 12-6. By 2:00 I had accumulated 23 minutes of ot. Aight so I have some issues. By 5:55 I was so pissed off that the idea of even one minute of overtime was so damn depressing that I said fuck it and left 5 minutes early. Ha. FUCK IT. Oh yeah A I'm just fucking peachy.


So this damn ear infection is still going strong. I still have 1 day of meds left. Don't want to go back to the Dr but dont' really have a choice. My eye isn't really clearing up but on the plus side at least it isn't getting worse. I almost wish it would so that I could put some drops in it and get over it. I am so sick of wearing no make up and glasses. Wearing lip stick doesn't count because it wears off so fast.
On the other hand the infections could be alot worse. Case example; sister CH. CH had her nipple pierced about 11 days ago. Last Thursday it was about 3x the size of her other nipple. So the next night, E and I take her back to the place she had it pierced at. CH had been to the dr Friday morning and was told that it was not infected and to go back to the piercing place. The piercer told her that it swelled too much and the jewellery was too small hence why the nipple was so big. So she takes the smaller bar bell out and squeezed out the puss. At this point E and I each have one of CH's hands (locked in a freaking vice grip) and both avert our eyes to control the vomit reflex. This was truly the most disgusting thing that I have ever seen. Lesson learned here: Never ever put foreign metal objects in your nipple. So all is fine until Sat. CH feels worse and almost feverish. So she spends all day Sunday on the couch. We were supposed to go to the Pub for her bday with R and LC. So I went to the Pub and dragged CH out later that night. By Monday (her actual bday) she was in so much pain that she couldn't move. Dragged herslef to a "Nazi Dr". Her body completely rejected the metal and spread a massive infection to all of her lymph nodes (including the one's in her groin). Holy Freaking Shit!!!! So the Dr took out her piercing and she is miserable on antibiotics. Last night she was slightly better and even went to work today.


Be Lazy
I think that I have finally learned the secret to life. BE LAZY! Oh and also if your day starts with a fight with a 300 pound diabetic in Starbucks just give up on the day and go back to bed. The day really only gets worse from there. Hence the be lazy title of this post.
So I walk into Starbucks at my usual time to see a huge line up. I'm ok with this, I'm used to the line up so I leave my house nice and early. This 300 pound woman in a huge yellow mumu with a walker (she was only like 35 not 80) gets in line behind me. At this point I take a quick look, inwardly shudder and think of how nasty that looks. Her equally large mother walks up to the front where the sandwhiches and cakes are and looks around. Again no problems with this. Until she walks up to the till and starts to order. At this point I have been in line for ten minutes. I haven' t had coffee, a smoke and I am sick. Translation NOT IN A GOOD MOOD. So I have to say something. I very polietly say "Excuse me but there are four other people in line ahead of you." She turns around, looks at me and says "I have been waiting for over a half hour." Me, "I have been waiting for 10 minutes and since I am ahead of you in the line, you have not been waiting for a half hour." Her, "Well I have diabetes and need to eat!". Now I am pissed and thinking ok well because of you I am going to be late for work. The people ahead of me are amused and the girl at the till is nodding and agreeing with me. I counted what she ordered, 8 cakes (slices). 8!!!! And she is freaking diabetic. And she ordered a couple frapacinos. Again I repeat she is diafuckingbetic!!!! Me, "No wonder you are diabetic!!!" This comment has everyone in the line up including the Starbucks workers cracking up.
Work was hell. Including a fight with our LP manager over a first aid course. I had to move our entire mens department. The racks are way too heavy for one person much less someone my size but I did it anyways. At one point our HR manager walked by and said I looked like I was struggling. I told her that I wanted our store manager to walk by so he could see why I was so pissed off yesterday when he told me to do the move. Then I injure myself because one of the racks was broken and I didn't know this. So I have to do the first aid reports. Then my manager decides she is going to help me with the rest. Fine. So I tell her what I want her to do and everything goes as well as it could with 2 irritated, tired, stressed Aries attempting to work together. Before I continue I must clarify. My manager used to work with me in my department. With everything we had to do it was barely managable between the two of us. Since she got promotted in August it has been only me to do all of it. So I am uber stressed and pissed right now. Not to mention that I don't know what hurts more, my hand or the infections in my ears and eyes. She comes up to me and says "Do you do recovery when you start because your purses are a mess. You need to clean them." Let me also mention here that I have a huge clearance sale on so all of my clearance needs to be up front. My kids area has not had markdowns done since before Christmas and that it is a disorganized mess. I was stunned, then livid. I stared at her and said "Did you actually just say that to me?" and walked away before I shot my mouth off any further. She of all people know what it is like to work there. Especially since the two of us could barely do it and now I have to do it on my own. Haven't talked to her since so I am going to go in tomorrow on my day off and discuss it with her.
I also have a crim law midterm tomorrow and I still have 2 chapters to read. Only slightly stresed out. I emailed our HR manager tonight and asked for stress leave. We'll see what happens. I probably won't take it. Although if my manager makes another comment like she did today I will throw up my hands, say "fuck it" and walk right the fuck out the door. So the moral in all of this is that it doesn't pay to work your ass off. Nobody appreciates it. The only people who really get ahead in our store are usually late, stand and talk for half their shift, take extra breaks and leave at 5:59 if they are off at 6. So for the next week I am going to test this theory of laziness. Updates to come.


Yet Another Planning Post
So Monday is one of my sister's birthday. Another sister broke up with her bf over the weekend and is going away this upcoming weekend. I'm sorry why the hell do you go away for your sister's birthday. I am so pissed off. Everything I plan people shoot down but don't give me any input. I'm so tempted to say fuck it. Bday girl called me this morning and I blew up at her. Right after it I appologized and explained the circumstances to her. Then another sister got reemed out by the other sister for trying to plan it. So right now we are all pissed off at each other and no one is planing anything. The only thing we have is L and R meeting me and bday girl on Sun at the pub for dinner to celebrate the bday. Argh I hate dealing with people.
Sick Sick Sick
So as per last Friday's random rant about infections here is what I have learned since. Tuesday morning I woke up and could not open my left eye and was in extreme pain. Washed my face and really concentrated on antibacterial cleaning of my hands, threw out cosmetics and contacts that were used the day before. So I have been wearing my glasses and no make up for the last two days. Decided to go to the clinic again after work on Tuesday. This is what they said. The fluid and viral infection in my right ear is basically cleared (should be 1 or 2 Tylenol induced days). My left ear has a nasty bacterial infection, perscription for that and Tylenol. My eye has a 50-50 chance of developing an infection so I have a perscription for medicated eye drops too.
When I went to fill the perscriptions I realized that my insurance has expired. Fuck. Thank God the pills were cheap. So since it is my Dad's insurance I have to wait for him to deal with his insurance company before I get money back. Apparently the drops are considerably more expensive so I'm praying that I don't wind up with an eye infection too. Probably don't cuz I could open my eye this morning and there was a whole lot less goop. I know that sounds disgusting.


Randomness Yet Again

Aight this is for all of y'all who love the total and complete random rant type lists. Here goes...
  • How would anyone not know that a person selling flat screen tvs on the side of the road and accepts cash only at like half the price of Best Buy, Future Shop etc kind of obviously stolen. Nothing more to say... THEY ARE STOLEN FOOL!!!!
  • Why do people think it looks good to wear capri pants, bermuda shorts, cropped pants etc with boots. Firstly it is freaking summer not winter, ditch the boots. Secondly it is never ok, the only time you should show that much boot is when wearing a skirt... THE ONLY TIME!!
  • Procrastination is never good. Have a crim law midterm next week. Haven't even opened the book, so seriously screwed for this one!
  • Why is the only 24 hour Starbucks in the freaking valley? It is an hour drive, not worth it at the 3 am coffee needs
  • Bacterial infections are actually better than viral infections. Sure bacterial infections are harder on your body, are more painful and have oozy pussy liquid involved (depending on where infection is). See the upside to bacterial infections is that they can be treated, where as all that can be done for a viral is to wait it out. This is coming about because I have a viral infection in one (I think it is spreading to both) of my ears. The Dr told me that all I can do is take a cocktail of Tylenol and decongestants and let the infection run its course. He then told me that if I have a bacterial infection he can treat it.
  • On that note, drugs are very good. Do not miss a dose or you will be in extreme pain for the rest of the day. No matter what you do. Around 3 am I gave in and took a T3 (they make me pass out immediatly). That didn't help since the vertigo portion of the infection was making me so nauseous that I threw the T3 up almost immediatly after taking it. Lesson learned here... never ever forget to take drugs. Drugs are our friends.
  • Do not yell at an HA member because he didn't give his daughter enough money for her upcoming trip to Europe. Yelling at your gf's HA father who already doesn't like you overmuch never ever yields good results
  • Stupid people piss me off. If you can't do your job please do the rest of us a favour and quit! I'm serious. We've tried to help you and you still don't get it after 6 months. Just quit.


Little Angry Blond Girl... Not So Angry Just Really Annoying
Sitting in Crim law once again. LABG so freaking annoying again. Talking about a case where a guy becomes brain dead (legally dead) and doctors remove is organs. Prof then says well he is now dead. No heart, he is dead. She laughs and laughs... the only person laughing at all. Then she comes up with all of these totally random, mostly unrelated 'legal scenarios' that she asks about while the rest of us sit here going just shut the fuck up so that we can get the hell out of here. ARGH! I've decided that I now hate people even more than I did before... it's all because of LABG


So I know a girl who I have just learned is crazy jealous of me and therefore really can't stand me. I'm sorry but this really really pissed me off. I believe I may have mentioned small tidbits of this scenario in previous posts. She thinks that I am closer to her mom than she is. Hello you are her freaking daughter fool! Granted you bail on her last minute all the time. Basically she bails and I get the call and show up which then pisses her off again and she attempts to make every one miserable. And this girl is an office manager, she is under 20, has no office experience much less managerial experience! Her previous jobs since I have known her have been warehouse (she sorted and boxed screws... this was themost current prior to the office manager); a concession stand at the beach; and a painting company. Tell me how someone becomes and office manager? Oh and did I mention that she started this job in March and that she has called in sick and been late several times all ready. Basically I think that we should never have any contact. Unfortunatly she is a part of one of those circles that I mention in the post Circles so I really don't have a choice but to have contact with her. I will just minimize it as much as possible.


This post is based on a Starbucks card (kind of), well more like inspired by a Starbucks card. As a coffee addict I am at Starbucks on a daily basis. The Way I See It on their cups rarely change, so like the true dork and addict that I am I get excited when I see a new one. Today's cup is about how teachers become mentors for people. Ok, understandable. I have had those mentors too. I also firmly believe that everyone has one of these mentors within their job. I have one as well. Mentor used to work close to me and is now my boss.
So because we used to work together and still do, we have also become really good friends. Like I was supposed to house sit for her when she goes away, we go to the pub, I can crash at her house if I need to, etc. Even to the point where she is giving me next weekend on so that I can go away with her and her hubby. We work well together and have a blast. Enter another beast this one known as Jealousy. Now there is jealousy on both sides of the equation. My Mom and one of my sisters are jealous. I think that my sister has issues whenever any one of us (being the four sisters) gets close to an older person that has nothing to do with her. It's weird. My Mom, I think has the same problem that her daughter has. The two of them have issues. They both seem to think that it is like they are being replaced. Her daughter is 19 and irresponsible and unreliable. Hence why her and her hubby asked me to stay with the cat. But no, daughter through a jealous fit and 'expressed interest' in staying with the cat as soon as she found out that I was supposed to do it. Her and hubby were slightly uncomfortable with explaining this to me, but were honest about the whole thing. So basically I am supposed to be the back up. If daughter bails last minute I take it. I agreed simply because I don't want to deal with the incredible rath of daughter (been on that receiving end one time... Urgh never again). Between that and all the shit that happened between my bro and family this weekend, I hate people and just want to disappear for a couple weeks.


The Sneeze
For all of you who live to eat (as I do) this blog is a must read. www.thesneeze.com There is a large section called Steve don't eat it. Feaking hilarious, I'm talking laugh-out-loud-in-the-middle-of-crim-law-discussing-a-drunk-man-raping-a-65-year-old-wheelchair-bound-woman. Yes one of my finer moments folks. The post that I was reading at the time was when Steve decided to eat Beggin' Strips because he figured that a vomit eating dog was not the right test for whether they actually taste like bacon or not. He samples a large aray of foods with several rancid aspects. Case in point the making of prison wine with moldy bread or the pest destroyed can of corn that appeared as a black sludge that probably came straight out of the Devil's ass. Bottom line, check it out just make sure that you have a garbage can (or assorted bucket), a strong stomach hence the bucket, and the ability to laugh out loud at appropraite moments.
The Sneeze
For all of you who live to eat (as I do) this blog is a must read. www.thesneeze.com There is a large section called Steve don't eat it. Feaking hilarious, I'm talking laugh-out-loud-in-the-middle-of-crim-law-discussing-a-drunk-man-raping-a-65-year-old-wheelchair-bound-woman. Yes one of my finer moments folks. The post that I was reading at the time was when Steve decided to eat Beggin' Strips because he figured that a vomit eating dog was not the right test for whether they actually taste like bacon or not. He samples a large aray of foods with several rancid aspects. Case in point the making of prison wine with moldy bread or the pest destroyed can of corn that appeared as a black sludge that probably came straight out of the Devil's ass. Bottom line, check it out just make sure that you have a garbage can (or assorted bucket), a strong stomach hence the bucket, and the ability to laugh out loud at appropraite moments.


American Idol or American Idiots
Ok, just finished watching the American Idol finale. Can someone please explain to me how the hell Taylor Hicks won?!?!? I mean the guy cannot sing. Half the guys at my local pub sing better than he does. Adam Sandler in the Wedding Singer (awesome movie by the way) sang better than he does. Where were the McPheever fans? Why would people vote for a guy who can't sing over a girl who can beautifully belt out just about any song sent her way? Someone who voted for Taylor please contact me. I would like to have a decent arguement/ reasoning for voting Taylor.
Another thing, Seacrest mentioned that the votes for Kat and Taylor totalled more than any American President. What the fuck is the matter with a country who can vote for a damn pop tart but not for a freaking president. That must be how Bush got re-elected. I suppose that I should get off my lazy bitching ass and go rent American Dreamz (yes I know it is not on DVD yet). Hopefully that explains what the hell is going on tonight.
Kat is the real American Idol... T out
Last Bf Update
So I finally did it. Break up with bf that is. Last night at Starbucks... very dramatic scene with me in complete control and him looking like he was going to cry. The classic question then was asked of me. "What did I do wrong?" Oh hell how am I supposed to answer this? I know that this is not a clean break, that I will see him on occasion so I tried my best to be nice (there's a new one). So instead of telling him that he overloaded on the emotional side and no where near enough physical I simply told him that opposites attract and that sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn't and that this was a case of it not working. I then proceeded to tell him that he deserved "someone better than me". Not trying to get down on myself (I'm fucking awesome if you dig the no strings attached, lets just fuck and have a good time, no committments). Ex bf just was not like that. He likes the emotionally attached total sweetheart. Not me so it didn't work. I told him as we were leaving to go and find himself a sweetheart and that I would see him at the games next month.
After leaving Starbucks, I called up E cuz we were supposed to go out that night. In the meantime, B and I had gone for breakfast that morning and he knew my plans for the night. So I text B saying "I am now a single woman again!" To which he responded, "Thats awesome well if u ever need to release some sexual tension i can help." Well hello B. Had you said this 5 years ago when I was completely infatuated with you and spent every waking moment with you that would have been fucking awesome. Now I'm not so sure. E said that I should just go for it cuz B and I have known each other forever. Well ok for 6 years but that is still forever right now. I don't know what I will do, I have to see B at a friends bday on Fri so I'll see how it goes.


Update on bf
So on the phone with bf again. He just got back from being away all weekend. Good news for me :) Ha. So I decided with this lovely weekend semi-alone that I am finally going to take my own advice and break up with bf. Gonna do it tomorrow night cuz I don't have the balls. Just not working... there needs to be something more there than irritation. Lol thank god this is annoynmous.

Sorry for lack of posting this week. Smashed my finger and spent an hour and half at the clinic and another hour doing 1st aid reports at work. Left index finger so typing was not an option.

Blah blah blah. Bf is going on about his fishing weekend. Oh yeah Big City Girl Me would looove it up there. Yeah ok. That's laughable. OMG he is talking about taking me up again. *Shudders* Can't bear the thought. Alright going to do it tomorrow. Have to do it tomorrow.


Another Night of Beer Before Crim Law
So yesterday was another night of beer. I know I said that I would never touch the shit again but meh we all say that right. Last night after having dinner with L and her kids, going home to my bro and his buddies and realizing that my parents finally found out that my bro smokes too, watching the Will and Grace finally (better than expected after the past couple seasons), going for a late pizza stop with my sister and one of her bfs I decide that I need a beer and to swing by my ususal pub. So I walk in and see M, its been so long, have a quick chat and head down to the end of the bar. BM brings me a beer and a clean ashtray and we have a quick random chat. At this point S walks in, so Chinese G is in the corner, then white guy B, then brown S, then me. After me there is a couple empty seats and then a bunch more regulars. At this point everyone knows everyone except me who is the outsider right now. The outsider did not last long. Before long G,B, and S were asking my name and telling me that they see me in there quite a bit and blah blah blah. G made fun of Chinese people all night, G got in a fight with a Spic regular who was wasted and playing pool, and B kind of sat calm and cool with his beer throughout the whole thing. I sat with my beer and smokes thinking of how I could spin the 20 min that I spent with these guys into a blog entry. So this is it, not quite as entertaining as I found it last night.


Hangovers, Meetings and Crim Law
So here I sit, once again, in crim law. Hangover and exhausted re people (LABG) pissing me off more than usual. I am so ready to just crash. We had a big barbeque at work yesterday after closing. Free beer, free food, good times. Drove to work (didn't get up early enough to catch the train). Had two meetings in a row right from the start (forgot about the 1st one, 2nd one was unknown until part way through the 1st). Fast foreward to bbq. Had 2 beers, was a little buzzed (so tolerance that was slowly built has started to decrease yet again). Decided I liked the buzz and wanted to continue. So I call my sisters to see if anyone can meet me and drive my car home. 2 of them showed up (used to work there so drank too). I got wasted, ended up hitting a pub and then a managers appartment.
Had a meeting downtown at 9am. So 6:30, my hungover (possibly still slightly drunk) ass struggles out of bed and into the shower. Due to the fact that the meeting was downtown my 5 minute commute became 45 minutes and running late. So S said she would drive me (she works in the same area) and I would meet her at my store. Talked to my fave receiver around 7:50, I am already infamous for last nights events. He didn't make it last night, so he asked his coworkers how the party went. Everyone who he talked to mentioned my name. Finally make it to the meeting (had to hike my drunk ass up about 8 city blocks) late, bored. An old manager (used to be at our store) and I chilled together, both of us being tired and still hungover.
From the meeting I had to take the train to my store to get my car and come to crim law. I am currently there, bored, tired, hungover, and now starving cuz I haven't eaten since the bbq last night. Now prof is yaking about motorcycle gangs and criminal offences. At least I don't have to babysit after this. Was supposed to, love the kids but just can't deal right now.


I have one brother, no sisters (well biological). E, CC, C and I are the 4 sisters. So the 4 of us always try to get together at least once a week. Tonight was that night. We headed out to the beach for coffee and to chill (had some shit to work through). Long talks about life and bfs ensued. CC started crying saying that no matter who we are with when all of us look ahead 10... years we see everyone together but with kids and stuff. As CC said we are sisters for life... none of us have sisters, we have each other, we are sisters. That's pretty sweet.


Mother's Day Brunches
So as most of you know (and actually all of you should know) today is mother's day. The once yearly ritual of honouring mom with cards, flowers, chcocolate and other assorted gifts. I hate mother's day. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but mother's day is the most commercialized (other than Valentines Day and Christmas) excuse to increase prices on everything. I mean everything. It cost me $7.00 to buy a freaking card this year! $7.00. As the title implies we all got dressed up and went for brunch at a swanky country club.
So $35 a plate later 10 of us including my grandmother right down to the 2 year old cousin are waiting *patiently* at 2:00 in the crowd of people in the lobby. What the fuck is the point to a reservation if we don't get taken in until 45 minutes past the reservation. The way I do things I would have been leaving by that point if we had been seated at the time of our reservation. Ok that is what I said while in the lobby waiting to be seated. Once were seated I changed that pretty quick. I was the first to start eating and the last to finish. 3 full full plates later I was stuffed.... it seemed so worth it. Now sitting here four hours later, I'm thinking not so much and that I am paying for it. Fuck that, it was freakin' awesome. There are those who eat to live and those who live to eat. I live to eat.


Violence, Sports and Criminal Law
OMG, in crim law right now discussing actus reas and consent in assault causing bodily harm. Got started on the Bertuzzi issue again. Little angry blond girl (LABG) driving me nuts again. She claims Bert jump on Moore after hitting him from behind and beat the shit out of him. She probably didn't even watch the fucking game! Jesus, it was a cheap hit, should've had a 5 min minor for fighting and that be it. Not Bertuzzi's fault that everyone fell on top of Moore. That is the issue, so to answer the question that the courts already answered no it was not assault causing bodily harm. Simple it just wasn't.
Dating: New Thrilling and Sweet vs Comfortable
Recently a friend was bitching to me how her bf (V) of nearly 3 years doesn't do any of the sweet little things any more. Which prompted me to raise the question of when do bfs stop with the sweetness and reach the comfort zone. In my opinion they should never completely stop doing sweet things. This is one of the few points that S and I will actually agree on. Which brings me to another point, bf never does those sweet things. It is as if he has skipped over the whole first part of dating and slid right into comfort. I still need the begining sweetness. He picks me up (hey ma I finally got a guy with a car of his own), and occasionally brings me flowers (as a side track that he picked up at the gas station down the street), but I have planned every date, whenever I ask what he wants to do or tell him to make the plans he says he doesn't know. So tonight I told him that he has all day tomorrow to figure out what to do and to pick me up at 7:30. It should be interesting.
On another note, his family has a cabin up north. Since the long weekend is coming up (all are avid fishers), he invited me up with his whole family. I haven't met any of them yet aside from a dirty look from his dad one day. I do not fish, and I don't do middle of nowhere shit. See my discription (I am a city girl)... full emphasis on City Girl. Since LC continually makes fun of me for this and it has been mention many times with bf around you would think he would know this. So I tell him that I am sorry that I can't make it because I have work. True, I am working part of the weekend, and I also have a case brief for crim law due on the wed. But last night he says "That's too bad you can't come, you would just love it up there." Ah Hi, you're fucking kidding me right. Does he know me at all. One look at me says it all, and I don't even try to pretend to be interested. Maybe C is right and he is on drugs or perpetually drunk. Stick it!


School, Law, and Starbucks
So as the summer approaches I am toying with the idea of a job. Don't get me wrong, I already have a job, but I am thinking that maybe as my 2nd year on my crim degree I might want a job that actually relates to my field. Does anyone know what my field is? Pause to sip grande americano courtesy of my 2nd trip (it is 12:30) to Starbucks today. Getting another job is probably not likely since I work 5 days a weeks in retail and have crim law durring the day.
Reading other blogs (during crim law), makes me think maybe I should go to law school too. Ha... term paper due in July. Doing the research will make me change my mind very fast. As Barely Legal has said... bad reason for attending law school: I like to argue. Don't get me wrong I love to argue and push people but I like random trivial arguements not arguing to save someones life or send them to prison for the rest of their life. By the way the later will never happen seeings how I live in Canada and a big sentence is a two year conditional sentence to be served under house arrest. That was for two guys who killed a pedestrian while street racings. Come on what the hell was the sentencing judge thinking? I know this is an old case but I had to write a term paper for admin of justice with the same teacher whom I am half listening to now a couple semesters ago. The one thing about law classes, at least we are talking about something half interesting. Right now it is lap dancing and Constitutional law whether businesses can proivide lap dances. Ha.. there is a seedy strip bar (no I have not occasionaly with friends frequented this place) accross the street. By the way they are not permitted to proivide lap dances, and they serve alcohol.
Back to the job idea though. LC and I got drunk on Sat (ass fuckers). During dinner (before the real drunkeness set in) we had one of those long talks about every shity part about our lives. I mean every shity part, things neither one of us would ever tell anyone else. So then after several hours we realized that the band sucked and we were screaming and still couldn't hear each other.So we go back to LC's where I have another beer, then another and realize that it is 2:30 am, I work the next day and have just chugged 2 beers (on top of what I had at the pub) and that I cannot physically drive home. At this point we have another beer, cuz I am now crashing at LC's appartment. LC and I start to chat about jobs and what to do with life. LC asked me why I am still working at store (oh yeah, LC is also my boss). I say that it is my back up plan, if crim doesn't prevail I can be a manager... I do unfortunatly have the training and experience to apply for management positions if I want to. Ugh... shudder... scary. Thursday, LC told me that I would make an awesome cop (what I originally went into crim for)... then she tells me that I should go into broadcasting (again have experience). Fuck if I know anymore. Mean time I will just continue to sit throough crim law... I still have 1 semester left to make a freaking decision.