
Self Confidence and the Beast Known as Insecurity
A good friend of mine once told me that the reason I can't seem to find the "Mr. Right" is because I am too confident and scare men away. I am starting to think that this can be applied to people in general. Why are so many people so insecure. I mean it is becoming a freaking phenomena!!! For example, LC is not a small person, but is by noooo means fat. Does she think this? Not a freaking chance. I was out with J tonight and wore my glasses. We got on that subject and I took them off and told him (he was sitting accross a Starbucks table from me) that without them I couldn't see his face. What does he say? "Then you don't have to look at my ugly face." Come on get some confidence.

That being said, I still have my many insecure moments. A lot of the time I still see an awkward 13 year old with braces and glasses and long frizzy curls. Instead of letting other people see this person, I tell Insecutiry (it is going to have its own personality now) to kiss my ass and move on with my day. If I don't think that I can do something I do the same thing and then go and do whatever it is that needed to be done. Am the only person who thinks this way? From the sounds of it I am.

Thanks to Opionionista for the following quote " Thanks for sharing; now kindly get the fuck out of my way." This is Opinionista's answer to people who tell her she is going to fail. This is what every person should say to that personality known as Insecurity. If you can't sell you to yourself who the hell else are you going to be able to sell yourself to? If you don't believe in yourself no one else will. So the next time Insecurity pops up, tell it to get the fuck out of your way and move on with your day, because most of you are smart, beautiful, and successful people who really are a lot better than you think!

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