
People I have just one question; why does everything happen on one day? There are 6 other days of the week, how about spacing them out some? Take Sat for example, I have to help a friend put together a bday party for her 9 year old son (which I really don't mind but ten 9 year old boys... shudder), M is throwing a bbq (of course durring the same time as the bday party). So for this I think I can finish helping L with the party, drop by M's to put in an appearance and run home to put on a dress for a wedding that night. Ok the wedding is only a bfd because I paid 60 bucks to be there... it is Tony and Tina's. At the same time as TT, LL is taking hubby (R) to the pub for a little going away bash cuz he leaves for a week on Sun. Urgh just once I would like to space things out a bit.
Now we move on to next Sat. W and I are planning a girls night that night since R is out of town. It is also LP's bday and so she is having a huge party at her place. Ok this much is doable, both are in one city, just go from one to another. But then my cuz has to go and plan my aunt and uncle bday the same night in a suburb like half an hour away! Jesus Christ. Fuck it!

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