
School, Law, and Starbucks
So as the summer approaches I am toying with the idea of a job. Don't get me wrong, I already have a job, but I am thinking that maybe as my 2nd year on my crim degree I might want a job that actually relates to my field. Does anyone know what my field is? Pause to sip grande americano courtesy of my 2nd trip (it is 12:30) to Starbucks today. Getting another job is probably not likely since I work 5 days a weeks in retail and have crim law durring the day.
Reading other blogs (during crim law), makes me think maybe I should go to law school too. Ha... term paper due in July. Doing the research will make me change my mind very fast. As Barely Legal has said... bad reason for attending law school: I like to argue. Don't get me wrong I love to argue and push people but I like random trivial arguements not arguing to save someones life or send them to prison for the rest of their life. By the way the later will never happen seeings how I live in Canada and a big sentence is a two year conditional sentence to be served under house arrest. That was for two guys who killed a pedestrian while street racings. Come on what the hell was the sentencing judge thinking? I know this is an old case but I had to write a term paper for admin of justice with the same teacher whom I am half listening to now a couple semesters ago. The one thing about law classes, at least we are talking about something half interesting. Right now it is lap dancing and Constitutional law whether businesses can proivide lap dances. Ha.. there is a seedy strip bar (no I have not occasionaly with friends frequented this place) accross the street. By the way they are not permitted to proivide lap dances, and they serve alcohol.
Back to the job idea though. LC and I got drunk on Sat (ass fuckers). During dinner (before the real drunkeness set in) we had one of those long talks about every shity part about our lives. I mean every shity part, things neither one of us would ever tell anyone else. So then after several hours we realized that the band sucked and we were screaming and still couldn't hear each other.So we go back to LC's where I have another beer, then another and realize that it is 2:30 am, I work the next day and have just chugged 2 beers (on top of what I had at the pub) and that I cannot physically drive home. At this point we have another beer, cuz I am now crashing at LC's appartment. LC and I start to chat about jobs and what to do with life. LC asked me why I am still working at store (oh yeah, LC is also my boss). I say that it is my back up plan, if crim doesn't prevail I can be a manager... I do unfortunatly have the training and experience to apply for management positions if I want to. Ugh... shudder... scary. Thursday, LC told me that I would make an awesome cop (what I originally went into crim for)... then she tells me that I should go into broadcasting (again have experience). Fuck if I know anymore. Mean time I will just continue to sit throough crim law... I still have 1 semester left to make a freaking decision.

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