
Another Night of Beer Before Crim Law
So yesterday was another night of beer. I know I said that I would never touch the shit again but meh we all say that right. Last night after having dinner with L and her kids, going home to my bro and his buddies and realizing that my parents finally found out that my bro smokes too, watching the Will and Grace finally (better than expected after the past couple seasons), going for a late pizza stop with my sister and one of her bfs I decide that I need a beer and to swing by my ususal pub. So I walk in and see M, its been so long, have a quick chat and head down to the end of the bar. BM brings me a beer and a clean ashtray and we have a quick random chat. At this point S walks in, so Chinese G is in the corner, then white guy B, then brown S, then me. After me there is a couple empty seats and then a bunch more regulars. At this point everyone knows everyone except me who is the outsider right now. The outsider did not last long. Before long G,B, and S were asking my name and telling me that they see me in there quite a bit and blah blah blah. G made fun of Chinese people all night, G got in a fight with a Spic regular who was wasted and playing pool, and B kind of sat calm and cool with his beer throughout the whole thing. I sat with my beer and smokes thinking of how I could spin the 20 min that I spent with these guys into a blog entry. So this is it, not quite as entertaining as I found it last night.

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