
Last Bf Update
So I finally did it. Break up with bf that is. Last night at Starbucks... very dramatic scene with me in complete control and him looking like he was going to cry. The classic question then was asked of me. "What did I do wrong?" Oh hell how am I supposed to answer this? I know that this is not a clean break, that I will see him on occasion so I tried my best to be nice (there's a new one). So instead of telling him that he overloaded on the emotional side and no where near enough physical I simply told him that opposites attract and that sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn't and that this was a case of it not working. I then proceeded to tell him that he deserved "someone better than me". Not trying to get down on myself (I'm fucking awesome if you dig the no strings attached, lets just fuck and have a good time, no committments). Ex bf just was not like that. He likes the emotionally attached total sweetheart. Not me so it didn't work. I told him as we were leaving to go and find himself a sweetheart and that I would see him at the games next month.
After leaving Starbucks, I called up E cuz we were supposed to go out that night. In the meantime, B and I had gone for breakfast that morning and he knew my plans for the night. So I text B saying "I am now a single woman again!" To which he responded, "Thats awesome well if u ever need to release some sexual tension i can help." Well hello B. Had you said this 5 years ago when I was completely infatuated with you and spent every waking moment with you that would have been fucking awesome. Now I'm not so sure. E said that I should just go for it cuz B and I have known each other forever. Well ok for 6 years but that is still forever right now. I don't know what I will do, I have to see B at a friends bday on Fri so I'll see how it goes.

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