
So I know a girl who I have just learned is crazy jealous of me and therefore really can't stand me. I'm sorry but this really really pissed me off. I believe I may have mentioned small tidbits of this scenario in previous posts. She thinks that I am closer to her mom than she is. Hello you are her freaking daughter fool! Granted you bail on her last minute all the time. Basically she bails and I get the call and show up which then pisses her off again and she attempts to make every one miserable. And this girl is an office manager, she is under 20, has no office experience much less managerial experience! Her previous jobs since I have known her have been warehouse (she sorted and boxed screws... this was themost current prior to the office manager); a concession stand at the beach; and a painting company. Tell me how someone becomes and office manager? Oh and did I mention that she started this job in March and that she has called in sick and been late several times all ready. Basically I think that we should never have any contact. Unfortunatly she is a part of one of those circles that I mention in the post Circles so I really don't have a choice but to have contact with her. I will just minimize it as much as possible.

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